take stock in

[tek stɑk ɪn][teik stɔk in]


  • Take the United States stock market as an example an analysis is about the subject of supervision and legal systems in both China and the USA. Secondly there are legal matters in the on-going disclosure of Chinese cross-border listed entities .

    美国 证券市场为例分析了中美对中国跨境上市公司的监管主体和法律制度。 二,分析了中国跨境上市公司持续信息披露监管中存在的主要法律问题。

  • The actual stock markets are by no means the ideal ones in terms of the efficient market hypothesis therefore it is apparently inappropriate to take the stock 's price for its market value and then calculate the return of investment in the stock .

    现实 的股票市场不可能完全符合资本市场有效性假设,因而 股票成交价格看作是 股票的市场价值,并据此计算股票投资回报率的传统做法存在着明显的弊端。

  • Third I take the annual statements in 2002 of the listed companies which has floated stock in the Shanghai stock exchange to analyze the situation of voluntary disclosure . And the result shows that the voluntary disclosure is inferior and insufficient .

    接着, 上证 A股公司 披露的2002年年报为样本,对我国上市公司自愿性信息披露的状况进行了分析研究,研究结果表明我国上市公司自愿披露还处于较低层次,自愿披露供给不足。

  • To be stronger to take stock of the situation to plan strategically and to be creative in management will be the essence of the existence for our beer enterprises .

    修身养性, 韬光养晦,审时度势,进行战略的谋划和管理的创新将是我们啤酒企业的生存的根本。

  • The plan is to take the fund the public on the Singapore Stock Exchange within 24 months catering to the demand of investors for yield in a low interest world and giving the fund the nirvana of permanent capital .

    目前的计划是在24个月内 上述基金在新加坡 证交所上市,满足低利率环境 投资者对收益率的需求,也让基金进入资本一直充足的佳境。

  • In order to change such situation we should take effective measures reduce the proportion of state-owned share optimize stock right structure and develop and perfect bond market to optimize capital structure in our listed companies .

    改变重股轻债的状况,需要 采取措施,降低国有股比重,优化 股权结构,发展和完善债券市场,以优化我 上市公司的资本结构。

  • These demonstrations will be complemented by a regular high-level policy dialogue that will take stock of technical progress and exchange experiences and policies for CCUS in the United States and China .

    这些示范项目将结合举行定期的高级别政策对话, 总结两国 CCUS的技术进展并交流相关经验和政策。

  • As world leaders take stock in Pittsburgh there 'll be a plethora of issues on the table aimed at making the world 's finances more stable transparent and resilient .

    随着世界领导人们 聚首匹兹堡,将会有大量致力于使世界金融更加稳定,透明和有弹性的议题提交讨论。

  • Let us briefly take stock of some of the policy decisions and proposals in the European Union .

    让我们粗略 盘点 一下欧盟(EU)的一些政策决定和建议。

  • Take China Mobile the second biggest stock in the Hang Seng with an 8 per cent weighting . Although the company has a 70 per cent share of the Chinese mobile services market its shares have traded more or less unchanged for the past three years .

    恒生指数第二大 成份股 公司、权重为8%的中国移动(ChinaMobile)来说,尽管该公司占据了中国移动服务市场70%的份额,但它的股价在过去3年却变化不大。

  • Yes . one of your monthly duties will be take an inventory of stock on hand and place orders for those items in low supply .

    对,你每月的例行公事之一是 详列现有的库存清单,并且对 存量少的物品下单订货。

  • Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list . Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet .

    估量下冰箱 还有多少 存货,列张购物清单。在超市里漫无目的地消费对你的健康和钱包都没有好处。

  • Still it 's useful to take stock of the roadblocks in order to develop an effective strategy for moving forward .

    不过对障碍 进行 估计 仍然有用,可帮助制定进行下一步工作的有效策略。

  • Then take the main board listed companies of Shenzhen stock market in 2006 as the study sample by establishing mathematical models and using statistical software to research the factors affecting listed companies ' cost of equity capital .

    然后, 2007 深市主板A股上市公司为研究样本,通过建立数学模型,借助统计软件对上市公司的权益资本成本影响因素进行实证研究。

  • They pause a moment to take stock of the figures hurrying about them in the dark .

    他们站住了一会儿, 辨认黑暗 他们周围跑 跑去的身影。

  • You 've got to believe in yourself to make your buyer take stock in you at par and accrued interest .

    你必须相信自己能让那些买家连本带利的买 这些东西。

  • With our goal and tasks now set we should take stock of the context in which we have to work .

    我们的目标提出来了,任务提出来了,需要 我们的形势观察 一下估计一下。

  • Take stock of what 's important to you what 's right and wrong in your world .

    考虑 一下对你重要的是什么,你的世界 什么是对的,什么是错的。

  • We may need to take stock again of the value of dreams and to make an assessment concerning dreams in general .

    我们可能需要重新 估量梦的价值,并 一般意义上作出关于梦的评估。

  • Or take stock of the glassware in the lab.

    或者 清查实验室玻璃器皿。

  • The empirical findings : ( 1 ) Enterprises take radical and conservative accounting policy respectively under the stock market up and down cycles ;( 2 ) The scale of investment in the stock market up cycle increases with the weakening of accounting conservatism .

    实证研究结果为:(1) 股市上涨和下跌周期,公司分别 采用激进和稳健的会计政策;(2) 股市上涨周期,公司投资规模随着会计稳健性的减弱而增大。

  • Since the 1990s the rapid development of our capital market which take the stock market as the main body has changed the monetary policy transmit mechanism . The transmission function of stock market for monetary policy in china is also start to reveal .

    20世纪90年代以来,我 股票市场为主体的资本市场的迅速发展正在悄然促成货币政策传导机制发生变化,股票市场传递货币政策的功能也开始显露。

  • How much stock the corporation take directly influence the level of stock and current speed of stock ulteriorly result in different cost of logistics and profit of corporation .

    库存管理中进货批量的 多少直接影响着 库存水平和库存周转速度,进而影响到物流成本的高低和企业经济效益的好坏。

  • Take for example DuPont Co. a stock the fund held since 2006 but sold in February .

    杜邦公司( DuPontCo.)就是一个例子,该基金从2006年起就持有该 股票,但 2月份将其卖出。

  • Whether there is good or bad information take place also effecting both price and quality of stock to change in the same direction .

    从而,不论有好信息还是坏信息 发生出来,股票价格和 股票的实际质量都是有同方向变化的。

  • The willingness from Chinese steel mills to take on more stock is weakening and marginal buyers are lacking in the market said Mr Hamilton .

    中国炼钢厂 积累更多 库存的意愿 变弱,而市场上又缺乏边缘买家,汉密尔顿说。

  • For example if the market becomes ineffective we can accelerate the development of fund market educate investors and suggest investors to take comprehensive analysis toward the stock market in order to maintain the stability of the capital market .

    如当市场偏离有效市场越来越远时,可以加速基金市场发展,加强投资者教育,促进投资者对 股票市场综合分析,维护资本市场稳定。

  • I don 't take much stock in this lynching idea .

    不大 重视这种非法折磨人的办法。