take away

[tek əˈwe][teik əˈwei]


  • Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one sometimes in part-exchange .

    买新电器时,电器经销商往往会 拿走旧电器,有时会以旧换新。

  • Take away all that ice please and just bring me a glass with whiskey only .

    请把冰都 拿走然后就给我拿杯威士忌就行了。

  • You give and you take away .

    你付出,你也 索取

  • I am going to take away your money .

    我将 拿走你的钱。

  • You wanted to take away her daughter too .

    你还想 夺走她的女儿。

  • Many animals die because we take away their shelter and food .

    许多动物死去了,因为我们 夺走 它们的庇护所和食物。

  • She was noticed to take away the book .

    有人注意到她 拿走 那本书。

  • The wind walk take away my thoughts time is over .

    风儿走了, 带走 我的思念,时间是 那样过去了。

  • Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released .

    士兵们 抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放 回来

  • In prison they 'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed .


  • Don 't forget to take away all your posters .

    别忘了 你所有的海报都 带走

  • Not only did they take away everything he had but also his German citizenship .

    带走 他所拥一切,而且还 剥夺 他的德国公民权。

  • I need you to take away all my secrets .

    我需要你 带走我所有的秘密。

  • C. Polar bear - You are afraid of marriage you think it would take away your freedom .

    北极熊你很害怕结婚,你认为婚姻会 带走你的自由。

  • I saw him take away your dictionary .

    我看到他 拿走 你的字典。

  • Add up the bills for each month . Take this away from the income .

    将账单按月 累加从收入中扣除。

  • They were taken away in a police bus

    他们被抓上一辆警车 带走

  • Take away my good name and take away my life .


  • ' It 's starting to rain again . ' — ' Not enough to take away from the charm of the scene . '

    “又下起 雨来了。”——“这丝毫不影响景色的美丽。”

  • Take away these teacups .

    这些茶杯 拿走

  • Two men claiming to be police officers called at the pastor 's house and took him away

    两个自称是警察的人来到牧师家里,把他 带走

  • They 're going to take my citizenship away

    他们打算 取消我的国籍。

  • If you have got15 points or more within two years a court will take away your driving license .

    如果两年内你有获得了15分或15分以上,法院会 吊销你的驾驶执照。

  • If You can take away all my love what do I need you for ?

    如果你能 我所有的爱都 带走,我还需要你做什么?

  • All these things take away your concentration and hinder you from being the best person you can be .

    所有这些东西 拿走您的浓度和阻碍你成为最好的人可以得到。

  • ' Give me the knife ' he said softly ' or I 'll take it away from you . '

    “把刀子给我,”他轻声说,“不然我 自己从你手上 拿掉 。”

  • You take away the mystery you take away hope !

    神秘感 带走 ,同时希望也被带走了。

  • Do you take away their pencils ?

    难道你 拿走他们的铅笔吗?

  • I take away the second ball .

    拿走 第二个球。