take for choice

[tek fɔr tʃɔɪs][teik fɔ: tʃɔis]


  • Finally we take Harbin power equipment Corporation for example apply the choice model on it get a reasonable conclusion : Currently the company suits the innovation mode of taking in - digesting-absorbing model .

    最后结合哈电站集团 实际情况,应用创新模型指出该集团 适合 采用的创新模式,得到合理的结论:目前公司重点开发产品适合引进消化吸收创新模式,为公司技术创新战略的制定提供理论依据。

  • I should take this one for choice .


  • B : I should take the taller one for the choice .

    要我 我就 高个的。

  • I hope I can take a suitable strategic choice in the automotive semiconductor business through this research and provide a reference for the strategy choice of the automotive semiconductor company in future .

    期望通过本文的研究分析, 为汽车半导体企业提供适合的战略 选择,并 今后汽车半导体企业的战略 制定提供一定的借鉴。

  • New-style spotlights are of higher quality than others . Please take your choice . Video tapes of this Brand with optimum high density riBBon will not let you down and are now waiting for your choice and purchase .

    本品牌录像 ,优质高密带基,不会令您失望,欢迎 选购

  • Take the sample designing of the On-line Learning Field for Journalism Writing as an example it concentrates on the choice the significance and the designed purpose of a writing topic . ( Chapter 7 )

    譬如 关于网上新闻写作学习区的设计样例,着重介绍了 选择新闻写作话题的背景、意义和设计旨趣。

  • We can also take it as a reference for Dongying / Qingdao branch institutions such as the choice of the management mode to provide reference to build class enterprise group organization structure system .

    本文通过对事业部组织结构设计的研究, 可以 山东中直建筑装饰有限公司旗下的东营、青岛等分公司机构管理模式的 选择提供借鉴,并对建筑类企业事业部制组织架构的设立提供参考。

  • I will take French for choice .

    ,我就 法语。

  • Well to get our conventions straight we should take the normal vector pointing up for compatibility with our choice .

    为了配合约定习俗, 选择相容的、指向上的法向量。