take count of

[tek kaʊnt ʌv][teik kaunt ɔv]

重视, 计较

  • This paper develop an new type absorbed energy eliminate ferroresonance machine of single chip control composed with absorbed energy part and take count of display part and indication and 8031 give priority to control .

    本文研制用单片机控制的新型吸能型消谐器,该消谐器由吸 部分(消谐主回路)、8031为主的控制部分、 计数显示和指示报警部分这三部分组成。

  • Along with the new curriculum reform of Chinese is being continuous impelled more and more teachers who teach Chinese take much count of the function of aesthetic education of Chinese the rich esthetic education factor in the classic poetry teaching becomes an important way in Chinese teaching .

    随着语文新课程改革的不断推进,语文的美育功能越来越受到广大语文教育工作者的 重视,古典诗词教学以其所蕴涵的丰富的美育因素成为语文教学中对学生进行美育的重要途径。

  • Whatever approach you take to keep your calorie count down while still adding some flavor to your diet keep in mind the dietary guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services .

    无论你 采取了什么办法以在降低你 摄入的热量的同时还能在你的餐饮中加点味道,请牢记卫生与公众服务部出版的饮食指南的内容。

  • I advise you to take no count of what he says .

    我劝你 不要 他的话 在心上。

  • FPGA is designed to take count of the counting pulses and distinguish the direction by using a brand new digital subdivision technology .

    现场可编程逻辑器件FPGA 一种新的数字细分技术为原理对计数脉冲 辨向和 计数

  • This text studied a passage counter of intelligence . It not only can take count of people but also can identify direction .

    本文研究的是一种智能通道计数器,它不但 可以 计数,还可以识别通道物体的通过方向。

  • The structure design is the foundation of electromagnetism calculation control system 's design and other analysis so we should take much count of the virtual design of magnetic bearings ' structure .

    结构设计作为电磁计算、控制系统设计和相关分析的基础,我们更有必要 磁力轴承结构虚拟设计进行深入研究。

  • In the motor servo control system need a pulse counter to take count of the number of pulse from photoelectric encoder of the motor .

    在电机伺服控制系统中,需要一个脉冲计数器对电机码盘输出的脉冲 进行 计数

  • Light-blockage particle counter realizes take count of the number of particles by the particle 's extinction for light .

    光阻法颗粒计数器是利用颗粒对光的消光作用 实现对颗粒的 计数功能。

  • By using the local neighborhood algorithm or the image label algorithm can take count of the number of cells .

    利用局部邻域或图象标号等方法 进行细胞 计数

  • Let 's take a white blood count and a blood amylase test a kind of test for acute pancreatitis .

    让我们 个白细胞 计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。

  • We better take a head count of our family members .

    我们 小心自己的家人 性命了。

  • This article introduces the basic principle instrument analysis and calculative method on how to take count of bacteria by fluorescence microscope . Also there are some improvements on the water filtrate .

    介绍了细菌荧光显微镜直接 计数 的基本原理、仪器设备、分析和计算方法,并对水样过滤操作方法 了一些改进。

  • Fran : They 're about to take off . Let 's yell to him on the count of three .

    法兰:他们差不多 出发了。 数到三我们一起大声喊他。

  • METHODS : Continuous anaerobic cultivating technique and describing its effects on propagate of Streptococcus mutans with absorbency ( ABS ) of bacterial liquid and take count of bacteria .

    方法:采用厌氧菌连续培养技术,用菌液的吸光度(ABS)和 菌落 计数 指标,描述矿化液对变链菌生长繁殖的影响;

  • Take a deep breath and hold it for a count of 3 〔 1 2 3 〕 then slowly exhale .

    深吸 一口气等我 数到3〔1,2,3〕,,然后慢慢呼出。

  • He is a worldly wise and cunning man who can take his cue from changing conditions The Count was quite good for affairs of the world .

    他是个 顺风转舵的人,世故圆滑得很。那 伯爵是个精于世故的人。

  • Take the region of Tarim river as an example the dissertation studies on the count of initial water rights and the way to establish the water-right market expecting to do help to the rational collocation of the water resources in Northwest Arid Region .

    塔里木河流域为例,重点研究 塔里木河流域初始水权确定和探讨水市场的培育途径,希望对西北内陆干旱区水资源的优化配置有所帮助。

  • Function of control system are product speed control automatic stop with fault and take count of output and so on .

    控制系统具有生产速度控制、故障自动 停机及产量 计数等功能;

  • Enterprises in higher growth generally obtain more investment opportunities . During their high-speed growth stage however heavy losses will be caused to their own and stakeholders if they take no count of capital structure optimization and pursue greater scale and blind expansion .

    高成长性企业的投资机会多,在其高速成长阶段,若 注重自身资本结构的优化,一味地追求规模、盲目扩张,则会对企业自身及相关利益者造成重大损失。

  • Wherever you are you can take a few minutes to breathe in through the nose to a count of three pause briefly then exhale to a count of three or longer .

    无论你在哪, 花几分钟用鼻子呼吸, 数到三,暂停,然后再呼出,数到三甚至更长。

  • According to the important significance of real estate 's registration system law theories and justices take much count of the studies of real estate 's registration system .

    基于房地产登记制度的重大意义,世界各国的法学理论界和司法 实务界都很 重视对房地产登记制度的研究。

  • Research on consumption economy has been conducted for a long time while few people take consumption modernization into ac - count which is the main content and basic symbol of modernization .

    对消费经济的研究在我国理论界已有较长一段时期,但是消费现代化的研究却 鲜有研究。消费现代化是现代化的重要内容和基本标志。