take command of

[tek kəˈmænd ʌv][teik kəˈmɑ:nd ɔv]


  • We will take command of our future once again said the latest Republican candidate according to his prepared remarks .

    我们将再次 掌控自己的未来,这位最新的共和党竞选人根据事先准备的讲稿说。

  • I am forced to take command of this vessel !

    我被迫 接管本舰的 指挥

  • If you require remote access to your computer and you enable Secure Shell ( SSH ) connections you must accept that you will automatically attract hackers who will try to break your defenses and take command of your machine .

    如果需要远程访问计算机并启用了SecureShell(SSH)连接,黑客就会尝试突破您的防线并 控制您的计算机,您必须接受这个事实。

  • Take command of the Enterprise in this intense shooter game adapted from the film .

    企业的 命令在此激烈的射击游戏改编电影。

  • Finally that evening he called in Keitel and Jodl and ordered them to proceed south to take over direct command of the remaining armed forces .

    最后到了那天晚上,他把凯特尔和约德尔叫来,命令他们到南方 直接 指挥残余的军队。

  • Take the difference in minutes between the two dates and divide by the number of words you typed ( which is output by the middle command ) to get the average number of words per minute you type .

    计算这两个日期之间的差(以分钟为单位),然后 使用您所输入的单词数(由中间的 命令输出)除以这个值,以得到平均每分钟输入的单词数。

  • If you do not serve others you can not take command of them .

    不能服务他人者,无法 指挥他人。

  • Therefore the central task facing pressure where only forced to take the command mode to enable farmers to the insured to reach its goal of chase performance .

    因此,面对中央的任务压力,地方只有 采取强迫 命令的方式使农民参保,才能达到其追逐政绩的目标。

  • Mr Baker would take command of the campaign

    贝克先生会 负责这次运动。

  • On Thursday NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreed to take command of a no-fly zone over Libya . A Canadian general will head the alliance 's operation there .

    周四,北大西洋公约组织北大西洋公约组织 同意 指挥对利比亚的禁飞区。一名加拿大将军将领导该联盟在那里行动。

  • She will take complete command of the entire fleet .

    她将 接管整支舰队的 指挥

  • Although no real hack has been performed against the shopping site XSS has still exploited a scripting weakness in the page to snare a user and take command of his session .

    虽然没有真正的黑客已经对购物网站进行的不同,XSS仍然利用了在页面圈套用户中的脚本的弱点,并 采取 命令他的会议。

  • Take derivatives where Korea ranks number three globally by volumes traded : foreigners command 43 per cent of the Kospi options market .

    金融衍生品为例韩国衍生品交易总量居全球第三外国投资者 控制了43%的kospi期权市场。

  • The use of long take shows the good command of camera technique .

    镜头显示出了 摄影技术良好的 掌控

  • Not shy they 'll usually ask for whatever they want and in myriad ways may seek to take command of the relationship .

    他们想要什么会直接提出,不会害羞,而且会以各种方式 占据两人的主导地位。

  • Vader returned from deep space more powerful than before to take command of the Imperial Star Destroyer fleet assigned to track down Luke Skywalker .

    维德重返时更加强大, 指挥着皇家歼星舰队追捕卢 克天行者。

  • His decision in 2009 to take France back into the military command structure of NATO after more than 40 years was of more than symbolic significance .

    他在2009年 作出的法国在四十多年后重返北约军事 指挥框架的决定不仅仅只具有象征意义。

  • Turkey agreed in principle to take over the command of the peacekeeping troops in Afghanistan from England .

    土耳其已原则上同意从英国人 那里 接管阿富汗维和部队的 指挥

  • Nato has agreed to take command of enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya from the US .

    北约同意从美国 手中 接管利比亚禁飞区。

  • Now MengNa is proud of its capable sales team for export business the export team members take good command of English German Korean Russian Spanish and Italian and other foreign languages .

    目前公司拥有一支专业素质能力较强的 外销队伍,熟悉语种 英语,德语,韩语,俄语,西班牙语,意大利语等。

  • Criticism and questions persist about the international campaign with no clear answer on who will take over command of the mission and what the exit strategy will be .

    坚持批评和问题有关的国际运动,没有对谁将会 接替 指挥的使命是什么退出战略是明确的答案。