take a rest

[tek e rɛst][teik ə rest]


  • When they left me to take a rest I really could not do it .

    当他们离开我 休息 一下,我真的不能做这件事。

  • I 'll take a rest at this teahouse .

    那我就 在这家茶楼 休息 一会儿

  • I stopped to take a rest .

    我停下来, 休息 一会儿

  • It 'll do you good to take a rest

    休息 一下对你有好处。

  • He wouldn 't take a rest though he was sweating all over .

    虽然已是汗流满面 ,但他仍不肯 休息

  • You take a rest . Let me do it .


  • The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a week .

    医生指示我 休息一周。

  • Let 's sit down and take a rest for a while .

    我们坐下来,少 片刻

  • Having worked for several hours he stopped to take a rest .

    工作了好几个小时后,他停下来 休息了。

  • I may have to go back to loan-sharking to take a rest .

    我或许该回去当 高利贷的了。

  • I think you should call in sick and take a rest at home .

    我想你应该打电话请病假,在家里 休息

  • Everybody is now tired Let 's take a rest .

    大家有点累了, 休息 一会儿吧。

  • Today everybody except the setter can take a rest .

    今天除了二传手外,大家都可以 休息了。

  • I feel tired after one day goes by . It 's time to take a rest .

    一天下来已经有点累了,该是 休息的时候了。

  • I 'm not silly . I 'll take a rest too .

    我不是傻瓜。我也 休息 一下

  • He simply refused to take a rest .

    他就不肯 歇一歇

  • He ordered that I should take a rest first .

    他命令我 休息 一下

  • They were all very tired but none of them would stop to take a rest .

    他们都非常累了,但他们没有一个人会停下来 休息 一下

  • Mind if I take a rest here ?

    介意我在这里 休息 一会儿吗?

  • Women 's hero Jinren should take a rest of the bar something I jiezhe .

    巾帼英雄,今儿个该 歇歇了吧,有事我担着。

  • They take a rest on a park bench .

    她们在公园长椅上 休息了一会。

  • As he looks sick I advised him to take a rest .

    他看起来病了,我建议他 休息 一下

  • You are off colour ; you 'd better take a rest .

    你气色不好, 休息 一下

  • Can we take a rest on the road ?

    我们在路边能 休息吗?

  • The tree under which we used to take a rest has been cut down .

    我们过去常在下面 休息的那棵树已砍掉了。

  • My work is so intense that I even have no time to take a rest .

    我的工作非常紧张,以致于我没有时间 休息

  • We can finally take a rest .

    总算 可以 休息了。

  • Can you imagine that we take a rest for the purpose of taking a longer walk ?

    你能想像我们 休息是为了赴更远的路吗?

  • It 's good for me to take a rest .

    休息 一会很好。

  • These last few days I 've had to take a rest .

    最近这几天我不得不 休息一下