
[人名] [苏格兰人、北方英格兰人姓氏] 泰特绰号,快活的人,来源于古诺斯语,含义是“快活的”(cheerfulgay)

  • Tait mean free path is deduced by making some probability assumptions and discussing their consequent influences to the intensity distribution .

    通过一些简单的概率假设,给出 Tait平均自由程的新的推导,并讨论了对强度分布的影响。

  • An equation of state ( EOS ) for high-pressure liquids i.e. Tait EOS is deduced according to isothermal compressibility .

    从等温压缩系数定义式出发,引出高压液体状态方程,即 Tait状态方程。

  • Their thermal expansion coefficient (α) and isothermal compressibility (β) were evaluated using the definition method and Tait equation respectively .

    通过定义法和 Tait方程法得出PPR的热膨胀系数(α)随温度以及等温压缩系数(β)随压力的变化关系。

  • Blyth Tait is lying in second place .

    布莱思·泰特目前 名列第二。

  • Andrew Tait from London tells you his real experience of teaching and travelling in China and about his relationships with the women he has met here !

    来自伦敦的 男孩 安迪,给你讲述他在中国教学、旅游的亲身经历与真实感受,以及他和中国女性之间的故事。

  • Based on the primary productivity the fishery abundance in Xiamen coastal waters was estimated by three models of Tait energy flow analysis method for coastal ecosystems trophic dynamic model and Cushing model .

    以初级生产力和渔业统计资料为材,分别应用 Tait沿岸海域生态系能流分析法、营养动态法和Cushing等3种模式,估算厦门沿岸海域的渔业资源自然生产量。

  • The thermal expansion coefficient (α) and isothermal compression coefficient (β) of CPP in various temperature and pressure were reckoned . The α and β with the results obtained from Tait equation were compared employing the same experimental pVT data .

    通过公式法计算出热膨胀系数α和等温压缩系数β与温度和压力的依赖关系,并与由 Tait方程计算出的α和β结果进行了比较。

  • Tait mean free path in probability view

    用概率知识推导 Tait平均自由程

  • This paper proves that counter example of Heawood is four-color by using Tait 's methods counter example of Tutte is also four-color by using Kempe 's chains .

    该文用 Tait方法证明了Heawood反例是四色的;用Kempe链方法证明了Tutte反例也是四色的。

  • Maxwell 's free path is the mean values of the first distance and Tait 's free path is that of the second .

    麦克斯韦自由程是第一 路程的平均值, 泰特自由程则是第二 路程的平均值。

  • Student Support in Distance Education and E-Learning & An Interview with Prof. Alan Tait

    远程教育和网络化学习中的学生支持&访国际远程教育 知名 专家 艾伦·泰特教授

  • Ballard was once on the shortlist of English Booker Prize and won the Guardian Fiction Prize and James Tait Black Memorial Prize .

    曾入围英国布克奖评选,获得卫报小说奖和 詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖。

  • Tile technology of testing polymer PVT behavior and the parameters of Tait equation tested by experiment were introduced .

    本文介绍了测定聚合物PVT关系的技术和通过实验测定的 Tait方程参数。