teaching tool

[ˈtitʃɪŋ tul][ˈti:tʃɪŋ tu:l]

[计] 教学工具

  • Even computer technology can become an important teaching tool .

    电脑科技也将是 辅助我们 教学的重要 工具

  • The video has become an invaluable teaching tool

    录像已经成为非常有用的 教学 手段

  • Track Control Software CNC hobbing machine in the laboratory teaching tool on the trial run the results show that the correct trajectory control software design .

    轨迹控制软件在实验室 教学型数控滚齿机 机床上试运行,结果表明轨迹控制软件设计正确。

  • With the further development of quality education assessment for mathematics learning is also a higher demanded that no longer just provides a result but is as a teaching tool to enhance learning quality .

    随着素质教育的深入发展,社会各界对数学学习的评价也提出了更高的要求,它不再仅仅是提供一个结果而是作为一种提升数学学习品质的 教学 手段

  • User Guides : A language grammar can serve as a well-defined and formal way of capturing an architecture but it is not a good teaching tool .

    用户指南:一门语言的语法可以作为获得架构的一种定义良好的正式方法,但是它却并非一种好的 教学 工具

  • There is no denying the fact that IT learning plays an important role as a new teaching tool in this era of technology . On Technological Innovation System in France Scientific Center

    无可否认,新科技时代的 教育 方式,电脑教学举足轻重。法国科技中心时代科技创新模式研究

  • Pickled specimens - popular from 1900 to 1930 - were used by scientists as a teaching tool and the range of pickled subjects range from sliced heads of dogs to rats and guppies .

    动物浸制标本流行于1900年至1930年,科学家曾将它们作为 教学 工具,而浸制标本对象包括从狗头、鼠类到虹鳉鱼的切片。

  • Our school also can use it as a teaching tool for the Chinese language subject .

    我们的学校也可以用它来作为华文语文的 工具

  • Case studies are a favourite teaching tool of many business schools as a way of delivering their message to their MBA students .

    案例研究是许多商学院钟爱的 教学 工具,通过它们把信息传递给工商管理硕士(mba)学员。

  • Assist teacher to prepare teaching tool purchase prize for students and other supportive needs .

    协助老师做 教具或是 教学上所需要的支援 工作及购买学生奖品。

  • Educational robot is a new kind of teaching tool for cultivating students comprehensive quality .

    教育机器人是一种以培养学生综合能力为主的新型 教学 工具

  • Textbook is an important learning and teaching tool for students and teachers so studying the reflection of process and method in textbooks is significant for achievement of the objective .

    教科书作为学生的学本和教师 教学的重要 工具,研究教科书在过程与方法方面的体现,对于过程与方法目标的实现具有重要意义。

  • The textbook plays a very important role in primary and middle school as most important teaching tool .

    教科书作为中小学最重要的 教学 工具,具有重要的价值与地位。

  • For example I use XM as a teaching tool to manage Web sites for my customers and to publish large volumes of documentation in HTML and PDF .

    比如,我使用XM作为一种 教学 工具,为客户管理Web站点,并以HTML和PDF格式发表了大量的文档。

  • To hold the attention of children as young as two years old there is the Disney Magic Theater which combines functions of a computer television and chalkboard and is the main teaching tool .

    为吸引小孩子(最小的只有两岁)的注意力,学校还设立了集电脑、电视和黑板功能于一体的迪士尼魔幻剧场(MagicTheater),它还是主要的 教学 工具

  • The contrast with written case studies frequently used as a teaching tool is sharp .

    这一 教学 方法与常规 教学中的书面案例研究反差巨大。

  • Teachers are encouraged to use computer as a teaching tool .

    鼓励老师在教学时运用电脑作为 教学 工具

  • Schools are having to invest in the latest IT equipment to keep up with the state sector where interactive technology has become a mainstream teaching tool .

    各学校将必须投资于最先进的it设备,以跟上公立学校在公立学校,互动科技已成为一种主流的 教学 工具

  • Thus for parents who value service housework is an important teaching tool .

    因此对崇尚服务的家长而言,做家务是重要的 教育 工具

  • Multimedia supplies the teaching reform of accounting course with modern teaching tool and new thinking model for teaching and learning .

    多媒体技术为深化会计课程教学改革提供了现代化的 教学 手段和新的教与学的思维方式。

  • This is a useful and expected idiom & it helps the menu become an even better teaching tool as users can better understand the context in which certain commands are applicable .

    激活和禁止菜单对用户了解它们所反映的合适用途有很大帮助,这种功能可以帮助菜单成为更好的 教学 工具

  • Fastplants are a unique teaching tool that bring inquiry-based science into the classroom .

    快速植物法是一种独特的 教学 工具,可以将以疑问为基础的科学带入教室之中。

  • Third use modern teaching tool .

    第三,采用现代化的 教学 工具

  • The map is a teaching tool as well as a learning tool for the students in normal college .

    就高师生而言,地图既是一种学习工具,也是一种 教学 工具

  • His word was law and if you needed a little legal education then those brass knuckles were just the right teaching tool .

    他说的话就是法律,如果你需要一点法律教育,那么他那不锈钢拳套无疑是最好的 教具

  • How does the fig tree become a teaching tool for Jesus ?

    无花果树是怎样成为耶稣 教训 题材

  • Unlike the undergraduate colleges in the DX scheme that are mainly using the devices as a replacement for standard textbooks Darden is using the device for case studies a traditional teaching tool of all the top business schools .

    DX试用计划中的本科学校主要将该设备作为标准教科书的替代品。与它们不同,达顿将该设备用于案例研究所有顶尖商学院的传统 教学 工具

  • This research is about the technology equipment used as an additional teaching tool in preschool ( children within the age of4 to6 years old ) education in China and Sri Lanka .

    本论文便非闭于长媒体拆备反在外邦和斯外兰卡的 教导(适用于4~6岁的儿童)外做为教受教养 工具当用的情形。

  • Teachers ' classroom design should not rely solely on teaching tool . Teachers are organizers and guides .

    教师的教案设计和课堂设计不能完全依赖于 教学 工具,教师是 教学的组织者和引导者。

  • The jigsaw puzzle can be widely used as a toy for infants and also can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool in kindergartens .

    本产品既可以广泛作为幼儿的玩具,也可以作为幼儿园的辅助 教学 用具使用。