tab code

[tæb kod][tæb kəud]


  • From the sample code tab on the Stubby document copy the example agent code that was generated and paste it into the agent .

    从Stubby文档的samplecode 上,复制所生成的示例代理 代码,然后粘贴到代理中。

  • We 're also looking to increase community participation in the RDK2-so if you 're using the RDK for something cool let us know on the Discussions tab and submit Patches on the Source Code tab .

    我们同样关注促进RDK2的社区参与程度-如果你用RDK做了些很酷的事,你可以在讨论 列表上让我们知道,并将补丁提交到源 代码列表。

  • The PHP code starts by defining two variables : tabs and current_tab .

    PHP 代码首先定义了两个变量:tabs和 current tab

  • Again type web mvc language – code and press the tab key .

    再次输入Webmvclanguage– code并按下 Tab键。

  • When a user tabs out of the field and the Zip Code field loses focus an asynchronous call is made to the server to retrieve the location data .

    当用户用 tab 移出此字段且Zip Code字段失去焦点时,就会向服务器发出异步调用以检索位置数据。

  • Type the first few characters of the shortcut name for the snippet in the code editor followed by a question mark and tab .

    在“ 代码编辑器”中键入代码段的快捷键名称的头几个字符,然后键入一个问号并 tab

  • There is an HTML tab on the left side of the Firebug console that shows the HTML code being displayed on the screen including the class attributes .

    在Firebug控制台的左侧有一个HTML 选项卡,其中显示了屏幕上正在显示的HTML 代码,包括类属性。

  • In the Project field of the Connect tab select which project to use as a reference for the launch ( for source code lookup ) .

    在Connect 选项卡的Project域中,选择用作启动首选项的项目(用于查找源 代码)。

  • Press enter press tab twice and then type the company city state and zip code .

    按enter键,按两下 tab ,然后输入公司所在的城市、州和邮政 编码

  • Select the event handler beforeOpen in the script tab and add the following code

    在script 选项卡中选择事件处理程序beforeOpen,并添加以下 代码

  • Minification removes from the code all the unnecessary characters such as tabs newlines and spaces .

    这种方法删除 代码中所有不必要的字符,比如制表 tab 新行和空格。

  • Click the Callees tab double-click the highlighted line of source code and choose Source File from the Grouping list .

    单击Callees 选项卡,双击源 代码中突出显示的行,并从Grouping列表选择SourceFile。

  • The XML Source tab displays the XML source code for the report design .

    XML源 标签 可以显示XML源 代码用于报表设计。

  • Click on the Source tab in the lower left corner of the editing area to switch to the XML code view in the Source editor .

    单击位于编辑区域左下角的Source 选项卡,以切换到Source编辑器中的XML 代码视图。

  • You don 't need a TAB before a line break only after but somehow these sneak into the code .

    在换行前不需要 TAB,只在换行后才需要,但不知道什么原因,这些总是偷偷隐藏在 代码中。

  • Replace its content in the Source tab with the code shown in the following listing then save the file .

    以如下 代码代替Source 标签中的内容,然后保存文件。

  • As soon as you tab out of any input field in the table JavaScript code attached to the onblur event runs .

    一旦焦点离开表中任意输入栏,就会运行与 onblur事件联系的JavaScript 代码

  • If you select the Console tab code is executed within the context of the function where execution stopped & this allows you to modify variable content or call functions on the fly .

    如果选择Console 选项卡代码会在执行停止了的函数的上下文内执行&这就让您得以动态修改变量内容或调用函数。