table search

[ˈtebəl sɚtʃ][ˈteibl sə:tʃ]


  • A reasonable structure of table index could accelerate data search speed .

    合理构造 索引将有效提高数据库 查询速度。

  • A new program design method for searching data at free table and free search conditions of the database mana-gement system in VFP is proposed in this paper ?

    一种在VFP数据库管理系统中实现自由选 、自由 组合条件检索数据的程序设计方法。

  • To see this report click on one of the terms in the table of the Site Search Terms report .

    看到这个报告中,按一下其中一个 中的术语的网站 搜索字词报告。

  • Database of elements stored in the order of type integer linear table insert delete and search operations .

    数据库对元素类型为整型的顺序存储的线性 进行插入、删除和 查找操作。

  • An Improved Table Search Method for the Fuzzy Logic System

    一种改进的建立模糊逻辑系统的 表格 查询

  • Circulation Algorithm of MS SQL Server Tree Structure Table 's Traversal Search

    MSSqlServer树形结构 遍历的循环算法

  • It is concluded that by using TCAM search technique with dedicated hardware the hardware routing table search and group transmitting techniques can achieve fast classification and routing for various data packets while support ACL and MPLS search .

    结论表明,采用专用硬件查找技术的TCAM方案,以硬件化的路由 查找和分组转发技术实现对各类数据包的快速分类和路由,支持ACL和MPLS的查找。

  • The last part we train a reference table before search and update the model parameters with the reference table during the search process .

    在第三部分,我们在 搜寻之前先训练一参照 (reference table),并且使用此参照表于搜寻阶段更新模型参数。

  • In this algorithm the inlaid fitness function based on the table task or the simplex search is designed and the genetic operational method ensuring the floating-point coding validity is adopted .

    算法中设计了基于 作业法或 单纯形法的嵌入式适应值计算方法,并采用确保浮点数编码个体有效性的遗传操作方法。

  • At the actualization of the inner code table the hash table and the sort search are integrated to improve the speed of searching character .

    在输入法内部码表实现中,采用了哈希 与顺序 查找相结合的方法,提高了字符的查找速度。

  • The greatest adventure of the Round Table was the search for the Holy Grail .

    圆桌骑士们最伟大的历险是旬 圣杯。

  • In this section there is also a short table that contains various search path samples .

    该部分提供了一个简单的 ,包含各种 搜索路径示例。

  • In this article we propose an enhanced flow classification algorithm & ECP which based on computational geometry and combined cross-product table with linear search .

    针对Cross-Producting算法的缺陷,结合交叉乘积 与线性 查找,提出了一种基于计算几何的流分类算法&ECP算法。

  • Saving trace results to a table allows the same access as saving the trace to a file plus you can query the table to search for specific events .

    将跟踪结果保存到表中后,可以与将跟踪保存到文件中后一样进行访问,另外还可以查询 搜索特定事件。

  • You want to retrieve any names and phone numbers from the directory table that match your search term .

    我们希望从此目录 能够检索到匹配 搜索词的所有名字和电话号码。

  • It is a good selection in the design of high speed power-efficient routing table search engine .

    该结构在低功耗高速路由 查找引擎的设计中是一个较好的选择。

  • In a scale of 2L identifier space coordinates in each dimension are divided with Binary Search . The nodes which correspond with the divided coordinates compose the next hoop set as a pointer table which cuts down the search scope from whole CAN to a local CAN area .

    在规模为2L的标识符空间上采取折半查找的方法对各维坐标进行划分,并建立相应的下一跳节点集合&指针 ,使 搜索空间由全网缩减到一个相对较小的指定局部区域。

  • Peer-to-peer networks need certificate to build trust management and authorization . This paper choose SPKI / SDSI certificate in the P2P network and utilizes distributed Hash table algorithms to implement certificates search and store in the distributed networks .

    在P2P环境下需要证书来构建信任关系和授权访问,选择一种适合P2P环境的SPKI/SDSI证书,并且利用分布式哈希 算法实现了在分布式网络中高效地发布和快速 查找到SPKI/SDSI证书。

  • This realization provides standard package for engineering personnel to develop high quality program . By the aid of such common package general graph & table import general database search engineering personnel can develop high quality application program on the condition of compiling corner calculation program .

    辅之以类似的通用 图表输出、通用数据库数据 检索等公用组件,从而为工程应用人员开发高质量的工程应用程序提供了一种标准组件。

  • On the other hand a distributed sub-graph search algorithm is put forward to save more complication than RS code table brute-force search .

    同时,针对辅同步信道的RS 码表 搜索,提出了一种分布式子图搜索算法,与穷举 搜索相比,大幅度降低了复杂度。

  • Create a Full-Text Index on a table to enable linguistic search of character data .

    对表创建全文索引以使用字符数据的语言 搜索

  • A dynamic searching algorithm applied in large information systems is designed by creating HASH table and some binary search trees and its experiment is made on IBM Microcomputer .

    通过构造散 列表和二分树,设计1个适用于大规模信息处理的快速动态 查找算法,分析其执行效率,并给出程序及实验结果。

  • The article describes the use of TCAM device in routing table search and its algorithm of manage and pays much attention to the implementing of TCAM device in FPGA .

    本文详细介绍了TCAM器件在高速路由 查找中的应用及其管理算法,同时重点给出了TCAM器件的FPGA实现。

  • The method effectively narrows the solution space for the problem to be solved featuring with the guidance and enlightenment role of the knowledge and use of the dynamic encoding table the search efficiency and the quality of optimum solution can be enhanced .

    利用知识对所求问题的指导和启发作用构建 码表,有效地缩小了待求解问题的解空间,从而使遗传算法的 搜索效率和获得最佳解的质量得到提高。

  • It indicated that valley conception model was study foundation logical structure definition of node joining table effected search speed and the computer realization was achieved more easily by rational programming components .

    结果表明,建立流域概化图是研究问题的基础,邻接 逻辑结构定义影响计算机 搜索的速度,采用合理的程序组件有利于计算机实现。

  • The application of TCAM in high speed routing table search and its FPGA implementing

    TCAM在高速路由 查找中的应用及其FPGA实现

  • Design of Data Retrieval for Free Table and Free Search Condition in VFP

    VFP系统自由选 和自由组合 查询的设计

  • It adds many exciting convenience layer APIs including the text navigation API with which users are able to manipulate the text image table features and easily search and replace text content .

    它增加了许多令人兴奋的便利层API,包括文本导航API。用户可以通过它们操作文本、图像和 表格特性,还可以轻松地 搜索和替换文本内容。

  • ISCP-TCAM : a high speed power-efficient routing table search engine architecture

    ISCP-TCAM:一种低功耗高速路由 查找引擎结构

  • Indexes provide a means for the server to find a particular row of data in the table without having to search the entire table .

    索引为服务器提供了一种在 中查找特定数据行的方法,而不用 搜索整个表。