


  • Each photograph that joins the larger tableau represents a finite perspective on the structure .

    每张照片连接着更大的 舞台,代表了这个建筑物上一个有限的视角。

  • But intentionally my what also reluctant doctrine utter ! All fix a lattice in our support together that tableau .

    可我偏偏什么也不愿说出口!一切都定格在我们依靠在一起的那 画面

  • Each tableau like a shoebox diorama was animated and we could move the camera around to better see how the3D effect made the characters pop .

    每一个 画面,就像鞋盒造景那样,被赋予了生命,我们可以依靠转动摄像头更清楚地看到3D效果是如何使人物变得栩栩如生的。

  • Open or close my eyes your graceful figure and the tableau of you flash before my eyes and in my mind .

    睁开眼&闭上眼,我脑海里闪现的全是婀娜的身影、你 跳动 画面

  • New York 's governor had appeared briefly on cable television with his wife in the traditional politician-and-spouse tableau .

    这位纽约州州长与妻子在有线电视上有短暂露面,正是那种典型的政客+配偶的 场景

  • Just as I clicked the shutter there was a splash of yellow and both ants were immobilized in a sticky grotesque tableau .

    正在我按下快门的一 刹那 白蚁 自爆 ,白蚁 自身和一只蚂蚁被黄色 胶质 液体固定在了一起。

  • Most of the costumes and stage props for the nearly 1 characters depicted in the tableau he made himself or rented .

    图中约有1000个人物,其中大部分的服装和舞台道具是 他自己制作或租用的。

  • Every now and then she would pause and study the tableau and colours of the river valley .

    她不时停下来,捉摸一会儿河谷的 画面和色彩。

  • The equivalent-electron Young tableau presentation is the new one satisfying the diagonal sum principle

    等价电子 杨盘基表象是满足对角和法则的新表象

  • Tableau users can drag and drop large sets of data to create colorful graphs .


  • An Enhanced Tableau Algorithm Based on Clause Reorganization

    一种子句重构的增强 Tableau算法

  • On his bed he 'd left a tableau of childhood photos music certificates and report cards .

    在他的床上留下了他小时候 舞台 的照片,音乐证书和成绩单。

  • The debut of tableau seems to mark a key turning point for IPOs this year .


  • We proved that the new paraconsistent tableau algorithm is decidable and has the same reasoning ability with the classical Description Logic over consistent ontologies .

    证明了该算法是可判定的,而且在处理协调的本体时该推理系统与经典逻辑系统具有 相等的推理能力。

  • They admired the tableau of the Nativity .

    他们欣赏着耶稣 降生 场景 造型

  • The only pre-tableau IPO to perform well in the market is rally software ( raly ) a cloud software company that has seen it stock rise 108 % since its offering .

    Tableau 上市 之前,市场上唯一一 表现不错的 科技公司是云软件公司 RallySoftware,自上市以来股价上涨了108%。

  • Cafe terraces limestone buildings and nattily dressed locals create a timeless tableau .

    咖啡馆露台、石灰岩建筑和着装精致的当地人创造出永恒的 生动 画面

  • If you know some operation research theory build the simplex tableau and check it out .

    如果我们了解一些基本的运筹学理论,就可以构建 simplex 场景并将之提取出来。

  • Inspired by quesnay 's tableau economique Marx had attempted with Tableau Economique form to construct the theory of social reproduction model .

    摘要马克思受 魁奈的启发,试图用经济表的形式来构建自己的社会再生产理论模型。

  • Of course tableau has a long way to go before anyone who needs to use a spreadsheet actually considers using its product ( and not a growing list of competitors ' software ) .

    当然,要让任何一位使用电子表格的人考虑使用其产品(而不是越来越多的竞争性软件), Tableau还有很长的路要走。

  • The three WIPO intersessional intergovernmental meetings brought a rich tableau of proposals that concretely addressed those concerns .


  • It is fleet 's to defy nearly and then not comforting you coming person I do not see at least within the tableau relaying .

    然后就是车队的几乎“无视”,没有人来安慰你,至少在转播 画面里我没有看见。

  • That tableau has become famous internationally as proof that the French are not like you and me - at least when it comes to affairs of the heart .

    这一 场景 引起世界的瞩目, 证明,法国人与你我不一样,至少在私情上是如此。

  • Color is an important and charming artistic language in painting by which a colorful and unique tableau effect can be created in two dimension .

    色彩在绘画中是十分重要而富有魅力的艺术语言,借助它可以在一个二度空间创造出丰富而独特的 画面效果。

  • Indeed history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes .

    的确,历史不过是 犯罪和不幸搭建的 舞台

  • To qualify under the environmental management certification system standards as having improved the cleaner production tableau .

    通过环境管理体系 认证,提高清洁生产水平。

  • Research on Tableau Basic Theory and Application
