table of vector

[ˈtebəl ʌv ˈvɛktɚ][ˈteibl ɔv ˈvektə]

[计] 向量表

  • It takes the traffic status event table as a time snapshot to represent the current traffic state of the entire road network rather than the traditional form of raster or vector data .

    该模型使用路况事件 作为每一时刻的路况快照,用于反映当前整个路网的交通状态,而不是传统的栅格或是 矢量数据形式。

  • In view of the key point of exact digitalized description of image in image processing chain codes table and line segment table are adopted to describe data structure of feature vector .

    针对图像进行准确数字化描述是计算机图像处理的关键问题。在图像特征提取过程中,采用链码表和线段 描述特征 向量的数据结构。

  • Reform table driving system of double-housing planer with vector converter technology

    矢量变频技术改造龙门刨床工作 拖动系统

  • The switching functions are selected in new power control switching table according to the position of source voltage space vector and input voltage space vector of rectifier required . This paper gives the design method of power controller and voltage controller .

    根据电源电压空间 矢量位置和功率控制所需整流器输入电压空间矢量位置,在新的功率控制开关 选择开关函数,给出了系统的功率控制器和电压控制器的设计方法。

  • The paper also studies the basic principle of direct torque control of induction motor based on the traditional switching table and compares the advantages and disadvantages of vector control and direct torque control . At the same time a DTC simulation model is built by MATLAB .

    本文还研究了基于传统开关 的异步电机直接转矩控制的基本原理,比较了 矢量控制和直接转矩控制的优缺点,同时在MATLAB中搭建了仿真模型。

  • In the DA-based implementation the lookup table ( LUT ) stores all possible values of inner product of the fixed coefficients and the input bit vector .

    在基于分布式算法的实现中, 查找 事先存储所有输入位和系数的 内积

  • All redundant space vectors can be obtained quickly without lookup table through the rule for the distribution of space vector .

    通过总结的 矢量分布规律,能够快速得出所有冗余矢量而无须查

  • When the indexes of the array are more than two the table can be expressed by a tensor . Tensor can be regarded as an extension of vector and matrix in high dimensional space .

    当模型数据的指标集多于两个时,模型 数据就可以表示成张量的形式,因此张量可以看成是 向量和矩阵在高维空间的推广。