table generation

[ˈtebəl ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən][ˈteibl ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən]

[计] 表生成

  • The table of contents for the published compound document is placed following the cover page ( or pages if table of contents generation has been enabled through a configuration parameter ) .

    发布的复合文档的 目录会被放置在封面页(或者多个封面页&如果目录 生成是通过一个配置参数实现的)之后。

  • This paper analyses the users need for table automatic generation universal platform proposed a generic model for Web table automatic generation universal system based on agent discusses the design idea and mechanism framework of Web table automatic generator based on Knowledge .

    分析了基于Web的 报表自动 生成通用平台的用户需求,提出了一个基于Agent的Web报表自动生成系统的通用模型,讨论了基于知识的Web报表自动生成器的设计思想及机理框架。

  • A Web Table Automatic Generation Universal System Based on Agent

    基于Agent的Web 报表自动 生成通用系统

  • Other supported mechanisms include sequence and table generation .

    其他受支持机制包括序列和 生成

  • The additional DB2 functionality includes support for the DB2 JDBC Universal driver improved system table information and DDL generation for DB2 .

    这个附加的DB2功能包括对DB2JDBCUniversal驱动程序、改进的系统 信息和DB2DDL 生成的支持。

  • Also the vector radiative transfer code developed can be used to generate the exact Rayleigh scattering look up table for Chinese second generation ocean color remote sensors which have high performances .

    开发的加倍法解矢量辐射传输方程软件包可直接用于我国第二 高性能海洋水色遥感器精确瑞利散射查找 的生成。

  • The main idea of the abstract symbol table is the generation of an abstract address for every addressable object to handle various data types and memory operations uniformly .

    抽象符号 的基本思想是,通过为可寻址对象 生成抽象地址统一处理各种数据类型和建模内存操作。

  • However if you add a table to the subject area database or the staging area database the Schema Generation Wizard does not incorporate the new table .

    但是,如果您将 添加到主题区域数据库或临时区域数据库中,则架构 生成向导不会合并新表。

  • The two SET INTEGRITY statements are only necessary if your table already contains some data in order to force the generation of the hilbert value for the existing rows .

    只有当 已经包含一些数据,并且想强制地为已有的行 生成hilbert值的时候,两个SETINTEGRITY语句才是必要的。

  • The paper has studied the second generation cotton bollworm natural life table and has analyzed quantitatively the control action of the natural enemies to the second generation cotton bollworm population .

    通过对第二代棉铃虫自然种群生命 的研究,定量分析了各种天敌类群对第二 棉铃虫种群的控制作用。

  • However you still need to configure the primary key of the MEMBERSHIP table to use DB2 's Identity value generation facility .

    但是,您仍然需要配置MEMBERSHIP 的主键,以使用DB2的Identity值 生成功能。

  • MATIS changed the way how the test scripts scripted by using a logical property table constructed by user interface automatic generation method .

    该方法利用用户界面自动 生成方法,把设计模型中的类属性定义和实现中的控件属性组织在一起,构建描述界面的逻辑 对照 ,辅助测试脚本引擎执行自动测试脚本。

  • If you delete a table or a column generated by the schema generation wizard the wizard regenerates the deleted table .

    如果您删除由架构 生成向导生成的 或列,则向导会重新生成已删除的表。

  • 18 w_3088 proposed two level switch table key management scheme although can well protection keys but the Lord take key generation method and main difficult to realize especially in data class more cases .

    而在文献18w_3127中提出的两级转换 密钥管理方案,确实能很好使主密钥得到保护,但事实上却难以 生成主密钥,这在较多数据类的情况下尤其明显。

  • The application uses entities with table identity or database sequence key generation .

    应用程序使用带有 标识或数据库序列密钥 生成器的实体。

  • The test table can be used for the investigation in the generation conditions of gas hydrate and its drilling and production in simulated natural environment and for gas hydrate drilling technology test .

    该设备为科研人员在实验室内进行天然气 水合物 形成条件、模拟自然环境下的天然气水合物 钻采以及钻井工艺实验研究提供了良好的实验基础。

  • This paper introduced an idea to design general table system and concentrated on the presentation of three problems to be solved : table storage description of data relation automatic generation of output horizontal table .

    介绍通用报表系统的主要设计思想,并着重叙述了需解决好的三个问题: 表格存储;数据关系描述;

  • Program development of BOM table automatic generation of hull production design based on TRIBON

    基于TRIBON的船体生产设计BOM 自动 生成程序开发

  • Firstly by analyzing the characteristics of source code and object code the architecture of compiling and interpreting system which includes morphology / syntax analysis semantic analysis error handling symbol table manager and object code generation was presented .

    通过分析源代码、目标代码的特点,提出了由词法/语法分析、语义分析、错误处理、符号 管理及代码 生成五个阶段构成的编译解释系统体系结构。

  • The compiler can store this directive in its symbol table and use it during the intermediate code generation phase .

    编译器可以将这个指示符存储在它的符号 中,并在中间代码 生成阶段使用这个指示符。

  • Meals at the family dinner table could be the key to preventing a generation of teenage girls from developing eating disorders .

    与家人一起 吃饭对于预防少女患 饮食 紊乱症具有重要作用。

  • The system can not only perform data inputting data updating conditional information retrieval and report table generation and printing but also help realize the full use of the archives sources through Internet / Intranet by its connection with the campus web .

    该系统不仅具备完善的业务档案数据录入、修改、删除、条件检索以及 报表 生成打印等功能,还可方便地与将来的校园网相连,实现档案资源在Internet/Intranet平台上的充分利用。

  • Generate test class for annotated-method interface for table : This will result in the generation of a special class that can be used for unit testing of the bean interface .

    Generatetestclassforannotated-methodinterfacefor table:这将导致 生成一个特殊的类,这个类可用于对bean接口进行单元测试。

  • By inheriting and deriving the related base class from Borland VCL the management of a meshed carriage pairs table data bank the generation of train turnaround diagrams and graphic operation are realized .

    通过对Borland的VCL库中的相关基类进行继承和派生,实现客车编组 网格化数据库管理及车底周转图 生成与图形操作。

  • Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 on the life table characteristics of f_1 generation Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus

    苏云金杆菌 H-14对致倦库蚊子1 的影响

  • This study skillfully combined the analysis procedures and table generation procedures together by using the updated ODS functions in version 9.1 of SAS and the result from the implementation was quite good .

    本研究主要利用 SAS9.1版本更新的ODS功能将分析过程与 报表 制作巧妙地结合起来,并在实际应用过程中起到了较好的效果。

  • Provides automatic table generation on participants that do not already contain the table specified in the master replicate .

    为已经不含主控复制所指定表的参与方自动 生成这些

  • Table of supported options provided by Javadoc Generation wizard

    由Javadoc 生成器向导所提供的支持选型 列表