systematic grammar

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk ˈɡræmɚ][ˌsistəˈmætik ˈɡræmə]

[计] 系统文法

  • And in the history of its development Systematic Functional Grammar ( SFG ) put forward by Halliday has been playing an important role .

    在语篇分析的发展历史中,韩礼德的 系统功能 语法扮演着重要角色。

  • The inversion in English can easily be recognized and understood for English has a clear form and systematic grammar .

    英语由于形态清晰和 语法 逻辑 ,其变 较容易被规定和辨认,产生的认知 语用 据也 较多

  • Ma Shi Wen Tong is the first systematic grammar works in Chinese grammar history .

    《马氏文通》是我国语法学史上第一部 系统 语法著作。

  • We review the study of the speech and thought representation in fictional stylistics Bakhtin 's Dialogism theory Intertextuality theory Critical Discourse Analysis Systematic and Functional Grammar and Appraisal theory .

    我们首先回顾了小说文体学、巴赫金的对话理论、互文性理论与批评语言学、及 系统功能 语法与评价理论等中对话语表达和思想体现的研究。

  • As a very important theoretical framework Critical Discourse Analysis regards Systematic Functional Grammar as its important source of discourse analysis .

    作为论文研究的理论框架,批评话语分析与 系统功能 语法 整合作为语篇分析的主要方法。

  • Halliday the founder of Systematic Functional Grammar views the language on the whole as a continuum with spoken and written language situated on each side .

    系统功能 语言学创始人韩礼德对语言有过系统的阐述。他认为语言整体上是一个连续体,口语和书面语处于连续体的两端。

  • Systematic function grammar is of three meta-functions : ideational function interpersonal function and textual function .

    系统功能 语法有三大纯理功能:概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能。

  • Critical Discourse Analysis aims to unpack and analyze ideology hidden in discourse which has been normally taken for granted . Systematic functional grammar focuses on the functional roles of language explaining how language is used and what the metafunctions of language are .

    系统功能 语法注重语言的功能角色,并研究语言是如何被使用以及语言的元功能,而三大元功能已经成为批评性语篇分析的重要分析工具。

  • Multi-modal discourse analysis based on the theory of systematic functional grammar is a new discourse analysis method . It is widely applied and also injects new vitality into discourse analysis .

    多模态话语分析是一种以 系统功能 语法为基础的新的话语分析方法,具有广泛的应用性,给语篇分析注入了新的活力。

  • Focus-based task not only helps reflect the advantage of task-based teaching but also guarantees systematic grammar structure teaching .

    焦点型任务既有利于体现任务型教学的长处,又可以保证 语法结构教学的 系统

  • Metafunction grammar is a main part in the systematic functional grammar of Mr Halliday consisting of three metafunctions : personal function ideational function and discourse function .

    纯理功能语法是韩礼德的 系统功能 语法中的一个重要组成部分,主要由表示功能意义的三个纯理功能组成:人际功能、经验功能和语篇功能。

  • The founder of Systematic - Functional Grammar Halliday M. A.

    系统功能 语法的创始人 M.A。

  • However it is a pity that most of works on mood are focused on mood and modality or describe mood from the perspective of systematic functional grammar .

    然而,遗憾的是大多数关于语气的研究都主要集中在语气和情态的关系上,或者从 系统功能 语法的视角来描写语气。

  • Topic Selection and Systematic Teaching of Grammar Spoken Choice of a Balanced & Advanced Chinese spoken language development

    话题选择与 口语 语法教学的选择均衡&高级汉语口语教学发展探析

  • Interpersonal meaning is a term drawn from Halliday 's Systematic Functional Grammar .

    人际意义一词来自于韩礼德 系统功能 语法

  • With the influence of the Core Ideas of Systematic Functional Grammar the study on the cohesion between theme and Rheme can be used to guide the teaching of English writing .

    系统功能 语法核心思想的影响下,对语篇中主位与述位衔接的研究可用于指导英语写作教学。

  • The same point is that they are focused on the systematic and scientific knowledge of Chinese different performance of Chinese Grammar voice the way of the Chinese culture .

    相同点在于它们都注重汉语知识的 系统 和科学性,不同点是表现汉语 语法语音、中国文化的方式。

  • This paper mainly presents a tentative and systematic analysis of key points in English grammar .

    本文主要分析了英语 语法中的精髓,把重多的 语法加以归纳总结,尽量使其 条理 ,简单

  • The thesis sums up the methods and contents of reading instruction on the basis of the relevant reading and psycholinguistic theories . It generalizes the systematic teaching of vocabulary grammar and reading skills and also the gradual teaching of cultural knowledge .

    最后总结了与本论文中提到的阅读教学法和阅读教学内容相关的部分阅读理论和心理语言学理论,概括了在 阅读教学中应注意到的词汇、 语法、阅读技巧和文化导入等知识的培养。