system of civil law

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv ˈsɪvəl lɔ][ˈsistəm ɔv ˈsivl lɔ:]

[法] 民事法系

  • As an important system of civil law guardianship has been established in most countries .

    民法中的监护 制度是一项重要的 民事 法律 制度,目前已被各国 立法所确立。

  • Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system .

    证据制度在 民事 诉讼 制度中处于天然的核心地位,而证明责任则是民事诉讼制度中核心中的核心。

  • Various attitudes and practices were adopt in the system of civil law and the system of common law .

    大陆 法系和英美法系曾 实际履行采取了不同的态度和做法。

  • This paper addresses the content of the witnesses system of civil law .

    本文论述的内容是 民事 诉讼中的证人 制度

  • Study of Contract Interpretation Legal System of Civil Law System from Macro-Perspective

    宏观视野下 大陆 法系合同解释法律 制度研究

  • With the development of our social and economic system the current Limitation of Action System of Civil Law is apparently unsuitable to the new situation .

    加之社会经济体制的变化,现行的 诉讼时效 制度显然已无法适应我国社会经济发展的新情况和新变化,对其进行进一步的改进和完善迫在眉睫。

  • The theory concerning object of civil action that is one of core theories among the basic theories of civil procedure in system of civil law has the extremely vital role and the significance in the civil action .

    诉讼标的理论是 大陆 法系民事诉讼基本理论 体系的核心理论之一,在民事诉讼中具有极为重要的作用与意义。

  • As an important and fundamental system of civil law contract dissolution system plays an important role in keeping market orders as well as ensuring justice and safety of exchange .

    作为 民法上一项重要的基本 制度,合同解除制度在维系市场经济秩序,确保交易公平与安全方面起着重要的作用。

  • Part I : overview of the pre-emption rights of shareholders shareholders ' preemptive right through the case analysis leads to the study of this system using the basic theory analysis on the system of civil law providing a theoretical basis for thesis writing .

    第一部分:股东优先购买权概述,通过对股东优先购买权的典型案例进行分析评价,引出对这一制度问题的研究,运用 民法的基础理论对该 制度进行分析,为论文的写作提供理论基础。

  • The engagement system of civil law is not always the focus of academic study but it is a blind spot .

    婚约 制度从来也不是 民法 界研究的重点,但这确实是一个盲点。

  • As the fundamental system of civil law property rights are greatly different in the civil legislations of the inland of our country Hong Kong and Macao .

    物权作为 民法中的基本 制度,在我国内地、香港、澳门的民事立法中存在较大的差异,主要表现在;

  • Purchase priority as an important system of civil law refers to the right of purchase preference .

    优先购买权即先买权,是 民法 物权 范畴中的一项重要 制度

  • Looking at the system of civil law in china we will find that there is no specific provision about tortious liability of omission only embodied in the general clauses of tortious liability and the relative provisions of civil obligation .

    而纵观我国 民事 法律 体系,也没有明确不作为侵权责任的法律条文,不作为侵权方面的法律依据仅零散的体现在侵权责任的一般性条款和关于民事义务的相关规定中。

  • The intermediate judgment of civil action derived from German developed to Japan and Taiwan in china which is a special litigation in the civil procedure system of Civil law countries and regions .

    民事诉讼中的中间裁判 制度起源于德国,并在同为大陆 法系的日本和我国台湾地区得到发展,它是 大陆 法系国家和地区民事诉讼中的一种特殊的裁判方式。

  • System of property of husband and wife is closely associated with other system of civil law .

    夫妻财产制与 民法的其它 制度如共有制度、代理制度、无权处分 制度有密切联系。

  • Possession is the most ancient Civil Law system as well as a special and important legal system in modern Property Law system of Civil Law .

    占有是一项古老的民法制度,也是现代 民法物权 体系中一项特殊的、重要的法律制度。

  • The system of Civil Law consists of the external and internal systems the former being the logic system among abstract and general conceptions and the latter the internal relation between the basic ideas and principles of law .

    法典 体系分为外部 体系和内部体系,前者是关于抽象的、概括的概念之间的逻辑体系,即通常意义上的形式理性;后者是关于法律的基本思想和原则之间的内在联系。

  • For example the difference in the form of the corporate constitution between the system of civil law and the system of common law leads to the different requests on the record contents of the corporate constitution .

    比如, 大陆 法系与英美法系在公司章程的形式上就有不同之处,导致对章程记载内容产生不同要求等。各国对公司章程规定制定各异,使得在国际经济合作中产生一定困难。

  • On the Warranties of Marine Insurance however China also inherited the legislation tradition of system of civil law .

    归根到底我国海上保险中的保证是源自英国海上保险中的保证,但同时我国又是承袭了 大陆 法系立法传统的国家。

  • Its reasonable structure laid the foundation for Roman civil law and even modern system of civil law .

    《法学阶梯》人法、债、继承、诉讼法四编的合理结构奠定了罗马法、乃至现代 民法 体系的框架基础。

  • The theory of subordination of accomplice in the system of civil law denies attempted instigation ;

    大陆 法系共犯从属性理论否定教唆未遂;

  • The contract system of civil law has great influence on the treaty system of international law .

    国内 民法中的契约 制度对国际法中的条约制度产生了重要的影响。

  • Therefore a centralized legislation model should be adopted to establish the system of prescription in order to embody that prescription is a legal organic unity and a basic system of civil law .

    在立法上,要体现出时效是一个有机整体和作为一项 民法基本 制度 地位,必须采取统一的立法模式。

  • The fourth part is the personal information protection system of civil law idea mainly from some specific aspects put forward to our personal information by civil law protection measures should be taken and attention problems .

    第四部分是我国个人信息 民法保护的 制度构想,主要从一些具体的方面提出了对我国个人信息进行民法保护应采取的措施和注意的问题。

  • Subrogation is statutory transfer of credit and further improvement of credit system of civil law .

    代位求偿权是法定的债权转移,是 民法债权 制度中进一步完善。

  • Especially in our country with the absence of constitutional litigation the establishment of protection system of civil law for the right of procreation seems more important and urgent .

    并且在我国没有宪法诉讼制度的情况下,建立生育权的 民事保护 体系的要求就显得尤为迫切。