tax amount payable

[tæks əˈmaʊnt ˈpeəbəl][tæks əˈmaunt ˈpeɪəbəl]

[经] 应纳税额

  • Criminal law about convicting and sentencing the act of tax evasion provides double standards namely the amount of tax evaded and the percent of total taxes payable .

    《刑法》关于 偷税行为的定罪与量刑的规定,设定了偷税数额及偷税 数额应纳税额百分比双标准。

  • While the determination of the tax payable relies on two factors : Types of the payable tax and the period of the amount of tax payable .

    而应纳税额的确定主要取决于两个因素:应 纳税的种类和应 纳税 的期间 范围

  • A complete copy of your foreign tax return ( s ) with all income information slips and schedules to support the amount of foreign income received and the foreign taxes payable .

    一整套的外币 征税申报单,写有所有收入信息,来证明已收到的外币收入和 外币税。

  • Nevertheless the amount so deducted may not exceed the tax amount payable for the taxpayer 's incomes from abroad as calculated according to the provisions of this law .

    但扣除额不得超过该 纳税义务人境外所得依照本法规定计算的 纳税