take bribes


  • The most important difference between bribery-pander and taking bribes together is that whether people who take bribes together have joint intent and act of bribery .

    区分介绍贿赂与共同受贿的关键在于行为人间有无共同 受贿的主观故意和行为。

  • Tax officials shall not extort or take bribes commit fraudulence for selfish purposes neglect their duties or fail to collect or under collect the taxes payable ;

    税务人员不得 索贿 受贿、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、不征或者少征应征税款;

  • Family members who know that national staff members take bribes and share with them are not the accomplice in bribery crime .

    家属明知国家工作人员 收受贿赂而与其共享的 行为不构成受贿罪共犯。

  • Abuse of power to take bribes or accept secret or other kinds of benefits are forbidden ;

    二方面禁止 利用 职权 贿赂、某种秘密 利益或所允诺的其他好处。

  • It is a scandal for officials to take bribes .

    政府官员 接受 贿赂是可耻的事。

  • Maria : OK supervisor do you take bribes ?

    玛丽亚:好的,监考老师,你 收受 贿赂吗?

  • The three hundred eighty fifth of accordance with the criminal law provisions of article the use of the office of illegally take money from others there must be for others benefit to the establishment of taking bribes .

    按照刑法第385条的规定,国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,非法 收受他人 财物 场合,需要有为他人谋取利益的情节,才能成立 受贿

  • In no case should a government officer take bribes .

    政府官员决不能 受贿

  • Joint bribery crime must require that even ' subject has joint intent to take bribes and implements the common act of accepting bribe together and the act is of variety .

    共同受贿犯罪必然要求各主体间主观上有共同 受贿的故意, 客观上实施了共同 受贿行为,且实行行为具有多样性。

  • It is wrong to take bribes from drug dealers or terrorists but is it also wrong to take a free meal from a restaurant owner who wants you to be a frequent guest ?

    接受贩毒分子或恐怖分子的 行贿 不对,但餐馆老板希望你成为常客而让你白吃一顿饭是否也错了呢?

  • Those who take bribes will be punished .


  • They dare not take bribes but that is just the half of it .

    他们不敢 收受 贿赂,但这还只是心情不 的一部分原因。

  • All the officials no longer dared to take bribes or disobey the law but to work hard ; all the dukes repeated their loyalty to the king and those who took the king 's land returned it right away .

    官员们不敢再 贪赃枉法,一个个事必躬亲,诸侯们纷纷重申他们对国王的忠心,那些侵吞了国王领土的人.也都悉数归还了土地。

  • However even well-paid footballers sometimes take bribes .

    不过,即使是收入丰厚的球员有时也 受贿

  • It is time that the government should speak out against corruption and take strong action to punish whoever takes bribes or embezzles fund .

    是时候政府应当大声反对腐败, 采取坚决措施惩治那些贪污 受贿、挪用公款的人了。

  • Neither shalt thou take bribes which even blind the wise and pervert the words of the just .

    不可 贿赂,因为 贿赂能使明眼人眼瞎,能颠倒正义者的言语。

  • Take so-called facilitation payments a highfaluting name for little bribes .

    所谓的“便利费”来说吧,这是一种小型 贿赂的高贵称法。