take by surprise

[tek baɪ sɚˈpraɪz][teik bai səˈpraiz]


  • After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures the man took Howard by surprise .

    在霍沃德正征求他同意 他的照片的时候,那个老人让霍沃德 吃惊

  • In part that 's because occasionally the flu will change radically in what is called a shift and take humans by such complete surprise that a pandemic erupts .

    部分原因是流感病毒有时候会完全变了一个样,称为「大变异」, 人类 觉流感已爆发大流行。

  • How it happens will take you completely by surprise .

    这件事情的发生会 呆若木鸡

  • The adder will attack only if it feels threatened as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally or if you try to catch it or pick it up which it dislikes intensely .

    蝰蛇只有在受到惊吓时才发动攻击,也就是当人们偶然 惊吓、偶然踩在它身上、企图把它抓住或把它捡起来时,它才咬人。

  • Then again it would sweep along diagonally as if to take everything by surprise breaking branches carrying off roof-tiles and snapping electric wires .

    忽然横扫, 乘其不备 袭击着地上的一切,扭折了树枝,吹掀了屋瓦,撞断了电线;

  • Sudden trips will take you by surprise .

    意外的出差会 带来 惊喜

  • You can take the captain by surprise .

    你可以 突然 抓住船长。

  • Someone you least expect will take you by surprise .

    从没考虑过的某人会 大吃一惊

  • Take by surprise storm w_5 Hurricanes never find people prepared .

    飓风总是 不备 突然袭击的。

  • How is Kara Thrace able to take Lee Adama by surprise during the first test flight of the Blackbird fighter craft ?

    卡拉·瑟瑞斯如何在试飞黑鸟战斗机的时候 惊讶

  • But it 's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope ; I 'd not take Linton by surprise with it .

    但是为了一个可怜的希望,还是值得活下来&我 不愿 突然打击林惇。

  • The officers have decided how they will take the city by surprise .

    军官 已决定了 突袭这座城市 办法。

  • He pauses . If you think about it there were three really interesting things that happened on the world scene around 1990 which would take somebody from the year 1985 by surprise .

    他停顿了一下,说道:如果你想想看,1990年前后,世界舞台上发生了三件真正有趣的事件,它们会 1985年时候的 人们 感到 意外

  • Chinese cooks ' understanding of tofu will often take you by surprise .

    中国厨师对豆腐的理解往往会 大吃一惊

  • Well the reason for thinking otherwise the reason for not being utterly dismissive of this suggestion is that when people get ill terminally ill it often seems to take them by surprise .

    其他的想法产生的原因,人们没有完全摒弃这个假设的原因,是当人们得病,病入膏肓时,这通常 措手不及

  • Every infantryman will take sufficient precautionary measures whether he is resting marching or fighting to prevent the enemy from taking him by surprise .

    对每一个士兵而言,无论在休息时,行军时,还是战斗时,你都要 采取有效的预防措施来防止敌人 发动 偷袭

  • Nevertheless trouble still manage to take them by surprise .

    不过,麻烦依然 偷袭 得逞

  • Compliments always take you by surprise and me never .

    你遇到人家 抬举你,总是 受宠若惊,我就不是这样。

  • Let 's keep this plan under wraps so we can take them by surprise .

    让我们先将这个计划保密,这样才能 大家 惊喜

  • If the birds have not flown for three years they will soar into the clouds . If they have not sung for three years their songs will take everyone by surprise .

    三年不蜚, 将冲天;三年不鸣,鸣将 惊人

  • Super profitability attracts super competition and disruptive technologies can take even established models by surprise .

    超强的盈利能力也会吸引超强的竞争对手,而且颠覆性技术可能 突然之间就 取代了业已成熟的模式。

  • It is usually impossible for a hunter to take the herd by surprise .

    猎人通常是不可能 出其不意 攻击兽群的。

  • Like the financial crisis of2008 this swelling tide of uprisings and protests seemed to take the world by surprise .

    与2008年的金融危机一样,这些 汹涌澎湃的动荡和抗议浪潮令世界 震惊

  • He often expected to take the essentials by surprise by an amusing stratagem .

    他常常指望用一种逗乐似的策略, 出其不意 问题的要点 抓住

  • Q.Did Lewis Hamilton take you by surprise coming up the inside like he did ? It seemed you left a bit of a gap there ?

    汉密尔顿发车时走了内线 惊讶吗?那里你似乎留了一点空间?

  • So this happiness doesn 't take me by surprise .

    如此这一种快乐并不 使惊讶

  • Rapidly growing workloads can easily take you by surprise . Do some regular capacity planning to see whether additional resources might be needed .

    快速增长的工作负载会 大吃一惊,采取一些定期容量规划来查看是否需要额外资源。

  • He led the ships down the river to a place where the British army could land safely and take the enemy by surprise .

    他率领船队顺流而下,到达英军可以安全登陆、并 对敌人 发起 突击的地方。