take amiss

[tek əˈmɪs][teik əˈmɪs]


  • I couldn 't think of a way to present my view so that no one would take it amiss .

    我想不出什么办法来表达自己的观点,使大家不 至于 误解

  • Would she take if amiss if I offered to help ?

    我要是提出帮助,她会不会 见怪

  • You should not take my words amiss .

    我的话 你不要 见怪

  • He said so out of kindness so I hope you will not take it amiss .

    他这么说是出于好意,请不要 见怪

  • I want that time that take advantage o the summer vacation studies English more is badly because of my phrasing whenever say that a time of sentence all worries the oneself can speak amiss .

    我想 暑假的时间多学习英语,因为我的语法很差,每当要说一个句子的时候都担心着自己会不会 说错

  • I hope you will not take it amiss that I venture to make a few criticisms of your article .

    假如我冒昧地对你的文章提出几点批评,希望你不要 见怪

  • Don 't take it amiss if I call you a schmuck .

    如果我叫你傻瓜,可别 见怪

  • He went on to say that he didn 't take my comments amiss .

    他继而说道,他对我的议论并没有 见怪

  • I hope you won 't take it amiss if I leave early .

    我希望你不会因为我提前离开而 见怪

  • Don 't take it amiss if I point out your errors .

    假若我指出你的错误,请勿 见怪