take down

[tek daʊn][teik daun]


  • Kratos : I do not need your help Zeus ! I can take down this beast !

    我不需要你的帮助,宙斯!我 可以 消灭这些禽兽!

  • Please take down my baggage .


  • We have to take down all the decorations after the party .

    聚会完了之后。我们得 所有的装饰物都 下来

  • You have to take down the points in class .

    你必须 课堂上的重点。

  • Do you hear me ? Do you hear me ? Take down this message !

    你听到我了吗?你听到我了吗? 这个消息!

  • I want to take down that partition there and throw this room and the next into one .

    我想 那道板壁 拆掉,把这间房跟隔壁的一间打通。

  • Like they had detonated planned to take down a building .

    就象计划 引爆大楼一样。

  • Take down that thistles and thorns bird guiding the musical sound from bookshelf in the familiar route .

    熟悉的路径指引着韵从书架上 那本《荆棘鸟》。

  • In his devil of a hurry he forgot to take down the address .

    在极度的匆忙中,他忘记了 那地址。

  • Let me get a pencil and take down the information .

    让我拿支铅笔, 有关情况 下来

  • I 'm glad she had the presence of mind to take down the car 's registration number .

    我很高兴她能够镇定地 那辆车的车牌号。

  • They put up the bird table but it got in everyone else 's way so Les tried to take it down .


  • Gave her wristwatch me to take down has returned to give back to me .

    把我送给她的手表 下来还给了我。

  • This one time we 're going to take down this stamp collector .

    这一次我们要 这个集邮者。

  • What would happen if hackers tried to take down the system at multiple points ?

    如果有黑客从多个节点 攻击 我们的电力系统,那么又会发生什么情况?

  • I took down his comments in shorthand .

    我用速记法把他的评论记录了 下来

  • Alberg took the portrait down from the wall

    阿尔伯格从墙上摘 那幅肖像画。

  • He could not help us take down the sails .

    他不能够帮我们 这些帆 下来

  • Can I just take down your message and get her to reply you A.S.A.P. ?


  • Gil rose and went to his bookcase and took down a volume .

    吉尔站起身,走到书架跟前,取 一本书。

  • The Boer answers at quiet : I certainly know I also hope earnestly to take down this ball very .

    波尔平静地回答着:我当然知道,我也十分渴望 这场球。

  • Take down your trousers and I 'll give you the shot .


  • The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians

    加拿大军队 拆掉了印第安人设置的路障。

  • He had had an arm amputated and relied on her to take down his books from dictation .

    他的一只胳膊截掉了,只能 口授书的内容 她来 记录

  • Do you think we should take down the decorations ?

    你认为我们是不是应该 这些装饰 下来

  • Gary : Ok honey time to take down the Christmas tree .

    行了,亲爱的,该 拿走圣诞树上的 东西

  • We 've been trying to get back to you Tom but we think we took your number down incorrectly

    汤姆,我们一直试着给你回电话,可是,或许我们 你的号码写错了。

  • Student : Wait a moment . I 'll have to take down what you said .

    学生:等一下。我得 你说的 下来

  • Worst case I 'm not about to let him take down any of my men .

    不然的话,我不会让他 干掉我手下任何人。

  • Would you help me take down this tent ?

    你能帮我 这个帐蓬吗?