tax concession

[tæks kənˈsɛʃən][tæks kənˈseʃən]


  • The tax concession however was symbolic of the greater value attached to overseas investment because of the superior technology and management skills that foreigners were believed to possess .

    然而, 税收 减免曾是外资存在更高价值的标志,因为人们认为,外国人拥有高超的技术和管理技能。

  • Since January 1 2007 China will continue to reduce import tariffs in accordance with the tax concession commitment to WTO .

    自2007年1月1日起,我国继续按照加入世界贸易组织的 关税 承诺,进一步降低进口关税。

  • Thoughts over Individual Tax Concession Policy Reform of Enterprise Annuity

    对企业年金 个税 优惠政策改革的思考

  • Besides the taxation deduction there are such issues as the conciliation of VAT and business tax the continuity of VAT tax concession policy the classification of taxpayers and its standard etc.

    增值税法改革,不仅仅是一个抵扣额的问题,还涉及到增值税与营业税的协调、 税收 优惠政策的延续、纳税义务主体分类及其认定标准等问题。

  • I am aware that I will have to DECLARE THE GOODS TO CUSTOMS ON MY RETURN TO AUSTRALIA if the total value of the declarable goods in my possession at that time exceeds the tax free concession .

    须知,如果当时持有的申报物品之总价值超过了 免税 特许的范围,应在回澳时向海关申报。

  • The local government attracts foreign investment through providing preferential policies for example tax concession reduction and exemption of land royalty counterpart funding and management service for foreign investment program financial guarantee and favourable interest rate .

    为了吸引外商投资,地方政府给予外商投资者 税收 优惠、减免土地使用费、为外商投资项目提供配套资金投入和经营服务、贷款担保以及优惠的贷款利率等激励政策。

  • For details please visit the Tax Concession Scheme website .

    详情请浏览 税务 计划网页。