He sent three of his sons out to take the Senator 's daughter captive ordering them to do as little as possible to arouse her wrath .
他派自己的三个儿子 去绑架 露 辛迪克,嘱咐他们一定要尽量小心不要惹怒她。
Poultry breeders and owners should take all necessary measures to minimize the chances of contact between captive poultry and wild birds .
家禽养殖人和养殖场负责人应尽 采取一切措施,尽量减少家禽与 野鸟之间的接触机会。
The North is longer and more treacherous ( smiles ) I will take it With my new captive on board I have no incentive to hurry .
北方更长和更危险的(微笑)我将 获得它和我的新 俘虏在船上,我没有激励的催促。
And every pretension raising itself against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ .
以及一切为反对天主的智识所树立的高寨,并 掳获一切人的心意,使之服从基督。
He will set fire to the temples of the gods of egypt ; he will burn their temples and take their gods captive .
我 要在埃及神的庙中使火着 起,巴比伦王要将庙宇焚烧,神像 掳 去。
The aliens take him to their zoo where he will be held captive in an exact duplicate of his apartment .
外星人 把他 扔在了一个动物园里,他住在一个和自己的公寓完全一样的房间里。
美[tek ˈkæptɪv]英[teik ˈkæptiv]