take inventory

[tek ˈɪnvənˌtɔri][teik /ˈɪnvəntri/]

[经] 实地清点盘存

  • Successful Healthy families periodically take inventory of their strengths and weaknesses and take steps to improve their home and family environment .

    成功的健康的家庭定期 利用自己的优势和薄弱环节,并采取措施改善他们的家庭和家庭环境。

  • So to be successful one must take a look inside themselves and take inventory of their belief system .

    因此,要取得成功,就必须考虑一下自己的内部,并 采取 清点自己的信仰系统。

  • Licensor shall have the right to take a physical inventory to ascertain or verify such inventory and statement and refusal by Licensee to submit to such physical inventory by Licensor shall forfeit licensee 's right to dispose of such inventory .

    许可方有权 进行实地 盘存以确认存货情况和报告的准确。若接受方拒绝许可方的核查,将失去处理存货的权利。

  • There are lots of reasons to take a moment and inventory your current job and career right now .

    人们很 应该 马上 点时间 审视一下当前的工作和职业。

  • A professional financial advisor on radio once urged people to take careful inventory of their financial assets promising that overlooked and forgotten riches were to be revealed at every hand .

    一位理财专家在电台做节目时曾提醒人们 留意 手中的资产,她声称大多数人都或多或少的忽视或忘记了它们。

  • Take inventory of what you 're doing in major life areas and try to understand why you 're doing them .

    下在 重要的人生领域里,你所做事情的 清单,找到做这些事情的原因。

  • The marketing of talent is helpful to accelerate the justified flow take inventory the talent storage promote the talent quality adjust the talent structure .

    人才市场化,有助于促进人才的合理流动,有效 盘活人才存量,提升人才素质,调整和优化人才结构。

  • Take an inventory of all applications

    创建所有应用程序的 编目

  • Take time to pull yourself away from all the noise and just look around you . Take inventory .

    给自己一点时间摆脱喧哗的纠缠,明辨身边的 是是非非

  • Take an inventory of the existing business data sources at your disposal .

    对您管理的现有业务数据源 进行 编目

  • The best way to start planning a food supply for your guests is to take an inventory of what is already growing in your yard .

    对于你而言,开始你的招鸟计划的最好方法,是 调查清楚你的院子里究竟长着什么。

  • And if all you can remember is his amazing qualities no other guy will be able to measure up . So take a relationship inventory : Make list of your ex 's good and bad traits so you get a complete picture of him .

    如果你只能想起他有多么好,那没有人能代替得了他。所以 一张情感 清单吧:把前任的优点和缺点都列出来,这样你能全面地了解他。

  • Take inventory before you shop .

    购物前 拉出 清单

  • He heals with emotions helping us review and take inventory of our lives so that we may forgive and plan for positive change .

    他疗愈各种情绪,帮助我们回顾并 检视我们的生命,让我们能够宽恕,以及计画去做出正面的改变。

  • One way to find out your dealership 's magic number is to take note of their inventory .

    要找出你的经销商的“魔幻数字”的一个方法是 注意他们的 库存

  • Meanwhile wide spreads and incongruent pricing in the rest of the credit markets led to many banks to take negative inventory marks which will most likely outweigh broker commissions .

    与此同时,信贷市场其他领域的 高息差和定价不一致也使得很多银行的 存量资产缩水,很可能完全抵消了经纪佣金。

  • One can take inventory as to which parts of the biology are inside of a dark earth dream and choose to bring them into a light earth dream instead .

    关于生物体哪个部分处于黑暗地球梦想中,你 可以 列出 清单并选择将它们反之带入到光明地球梦想中。

  • Or on a smaller scale you may want to take inventory of your linens to see if you need to replenish some that have become threadbare .

    或者么,你可能会整理一份家织用品的 清单看看哪些是已经旧了需要更新换代的。

  • Take the TORCH from inventory and use it on lit torch on stone pillar .


  • However it is often impractical to take physical inventory counts when interim financial statements are prepared .

    然而,为编制中期财务报表而进行实地 盘点通常是不切合实际的。

  • So the first thing to do is to take an inventory of your state of mind .

    所以,你 做的第一件事就是 反省心情。

  • As I myself am the property of Jesus my LORD may take an inventory of all I have for it is altogether His own ; and I resolve to prove it to be so by the use to which I put it this day .

    因为我是耶稣的产业,他 可以自由使用我的任何一项 才干,因为这本来就是他给的,而我也决心证明这一切本是如此。

  • Each year I take inventory of the people I know and do business with and I ask myself how many of those I met in the last year .

    每年,我 拿出自己认识的以及一起做过生意的所有 联系人 目录,问问自己这些人中有多少我在过去一年中见到过。

  • Pilot line chemicals stock take & inventory control .

    电镀药水 盘点 库存控制。

  • Yes . one of your monthly duties will be take an inventory of stock on hand and place orders for those items in low supply .

    对,你每月的例行公事之一是 现有 库存 清单,并且对存量少的物品下单订货。

  • I encourage people to take an inventory of all the roles they play in life .

    我鼓励人们 他们一生中所扮演的角色都 列举出来。

  • It is common practice to take the physical inventory after regular business hours or on Sunday .

    存货 盘点通常是在正常的营业时间之后或在星期天进行。

  • So as we begin let us take inventory .

    在我们开始之前,我们 清点一下 家底