


v.梭编,梭织( tat的现在分词 )

  • In the development of costume history being accompanied by the development of tatting and knitting the fabric formation has formed into two large categories .

    在服装发展史中,依据织物组织的 构成 方式梭织与针织的发展,形成了服装上的两大类别。

  • Act or process or making tatting or handmade lace .

    制作 梭织 物品或者手工绳带的动作或者工艺。

  • Make ( sth ) by tatting Knitting doing crosswords or just walking also help .


  • Differing from the traditional tatting wearing apparel it has its own special idea and dealing way of design and technology .

    讨论了其区别于传统的 梭织服装的独特的设计理念、设计手法和工艺方法。

  • Description : Our company specializes the further processing of the coating of tatting textile and face fabrics .

    海宁 印染有限公司是一家专业(生产)加工 经编 织物和棉 针织 织物的 染整企业。

  • Application : Automatic suction trimming applicable to thick tatting heavy materials and large clothes such as jeans embroidery garment bags and beddings etc.

    用途:自动吸 线线,主要 用于 梭织类厚、重面料、大 工件 线,如牛仔服装、绣花布 底线、挂式服装、手袋、箱包、床上用品等。