without reserve

[wɪðˈaʊt rɪˈzɚv][wiˈðaut riˈzə:v]


  • Lover in you should as the same to oneself the fine long hair is paid without reserve this is just regarded as the true love .

    对你的爱人,应有如对自己一样, 毫无 保留地付出,这才算得上真爱。

  • Looked from the world soccer powerful nation success experience as well as the emerging soccer country fast progress development that they all without one exception extremely take the reserve talented person 's raise work .

    从世界足球强国的成功经验以及新兴足球国家快速进步的发展来看,他们都 无一例外地非常重视 后备人才的培养工作。

  • He spoke without reserve ie freely of his time in prison .

    毫无 保留地直言不讳地述说了他在监狱中的事。

  • It must be once for all without reserve without recall .

    必须永远不渝, 既无 保留,亦无反悔的余地。

  • The traditional pyroelectric sensor ( or a sound sensor ) and the combination of light source without reserve electric wire place the product directly on the lamp and turn on the power .

    将传统的热释感应器(或声音感应器)与光源结合为一体,? ?管线,只须将产品直接安装在灯座上,打开电源 即可使用。

  • Say all you know and say it without reserve .


  • Time is a big glass containers anything can be it without reserve to receive .

    时间是一个大玻璃器皿、什么都可以它 保留接受。

  • Just cutting production without a strategic reserve to boost price will be hard for central government because that will hurt profits of some state-owned businesses and local governments analysts say .

    分析师表示,单纯削减产量, 建立战略 储备来推高价格,那么中央政府将难以获得支持,因为那会损害一些国有企业和地方政府的利益。

  • During the period of the joint venture the techniques the foreigners have mastered should be thoroughly made known to us without reserve .

    在合营期间,外商掌握的技术必须 保留地向我方公开。

  • Furthermore the Swiss could have curbed inflationary dangers without abandoning the peg for instance by increasing reserve requirements on banks . A sovereign wealth fund could have been set up to manage huge holdings of foreign assets .

    而且瑞士原本 无须放弃汇率上限就能遏制通胀危险,比如提高银行 存款 准备金率,或者可以建立一个主权财富基金来管理所持有的巨额外汇资产。

  • We accept your statement without reserve ie fully .

    我们 毫无 保留地接受你的意见。

  • On the other hand network stable operation is influenced without sufficient adequate reserve capacity .

    缺电制约了各地经济的发展,同时造成了巨大的经济 损失同时由于系统 充裕度水平 下降,影响了电网的安全稳定运行。

  • If reservation is feasible without one-night down payment we would like to reserve six rooms under ours block booking .

    如果 不用预付一晚的订金可以预定房间的话,我想 预定六个房间。

  • Such a move can reduce long-term interest rates without a risky quantitative easing three gambit by Ben Bernanke chairman of the Federal Reserve .

    这么做可以降低长期利率, 美联储( fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke)实施有风险的第三次量化宽松战略。

  • She told me all about it without reserve .


  • Contrary to his effeminate appearance he said without reserve during interview .

    相对于他的优柔寡断,在访谈过程中他 毫无 保留

  • Methods The calcium load-CT stimulation test was performed in 25 healthy female controls and 33 female patients with AIT including 16 cases without OP and 17 cases with OP and the basal value and reserve function of CT in these two groups were observed .

    方法对25例健康女性对照者及33例女性AIT患者,其中 OP者16例,合并OP者17例,用钙负荷CT兴奋试验分别观察各组CT基础值及其 储备功能的改变。

  • He is honest and frank and always says everything he knows without reserve .

    他是个耿直之人,一向知无不言, 言无不尽

  • Data due to be released is forecast to show that investors have been buying a growing number of securities backed by credit-card and car loans without help from the US Federal Reserve .

    市场预计,定于今日公布的数据将表明, 虽然 没有美联储( fed 的援手, 投资者一直在购买越来越多的信用卡支持证券和汽车贷款支持证券。

  • Without engagement and under reserve

    承担义务并 保留条件

  • The property is to be put up on the market without reserve .

    这份房地产将 规定 最低价格拿到市场上去拍卖。

  • Tell all that you know and tell it without reserve .

    将出你知道的一切,且 保留地讲出来。

  • The bank of Hong Kong conduct RMB business without Payment of the reserve and the deposit rate which is decided by the operating bank is greatly different from the mainland bank deposit interest rate determinant .

    香港银行经营人民币业务 缴付 存款 准备金,且存款利率与内地银行的存款利率决定方式有较大区别,由承办行自行决定。

  • I gave myself over to each novel without reserve .

    我潜心读每一本小说, 任何 限制

  • I think that he would have acknowledged anything now without reserve but he wanted to talk about Daisy .

    我想他这时什么都可以 毫无 保留地承认,但他只想谈黛西的事。

  • The mistakes of the past must be exposed without any reserve .

    把以前的错误都抖搂出来,决 保留

  • They conducted themselves without any reserve whatever .

    他一点都 激动 起来。他们行动一点也 自检

  • I believe you story without reserve .

    完全相你所 的。