wonder boy

[ˈwʌndɚ bɔɪ][ˈwʌndə bɔi]


  • ' I shouldn 't wonder Captain Cuttle 'returned the boy .

    “我对这不会 奇怪,卡特尔船长,” 孩子回答道。

  • Let 's go find the wonder boy .

    我们去找那个 神奇 小伙子吧。

  • I wonder Mr. Darling said thoughtfully I wonder . It was an opportunity his wife felt for telling him about the boy .

    很难说,达林先生沉思地说,我 怀疑。他的妻子觉得这是一个机会,可以把 孩子的事告诉他。

  • The old-time mother who used to wonder where her boy was now has a grandson who wonders where his mother is .

    惯常 知道自己的 孩子在哪里的旧式母亲,如今有了个想知道自己的母亲在哪里的孙子。

  • I wonder if they 'll treat her as well as I did says the boy who 's been in and out of trouble since age12 when his father went to prison .

    “我 担心他们是否能像我一样对待她,” 孩子说,当12岁时他的父亲坐牢后,他便成为了几进几出的问题 孩子了。

  • We wonder that the little boy is a university student .

    我们 惊奇这小 男孩是大学生。

  • In a store I would hear a child calling Mommy and I would wonder if that were what my little boy might sound like .

    某天,在一间商店里,我听到一个小孩叫“妈妈,”我就 感到 好奇,我 儿子的叫声是不是也会像这个声音。

  • I wonder that the boy made such a rapid progress .

    感到 十分 惊讶,那个 男孩进步那么快。

  • I wonder if it 's a boy or a giri .

    知道 是女。

  • Where is this wonder boy I have heard so much about ?

    那个久闻大名 年轻 在哪儿?

  • Mickelson was hailed as the wonder boy of American golf

    米克尔森被誉为美国高尔夫球界的 神奇 小子

  • I wonder why he is such a boy .

    知道他为什么是这样 男孩