


  • Come here and have some Wonton .

    来吃些 馄饨吧。

  • There are many kinds of fast food in Wuhan such as Chinese doughnuts steamed meat buns hot-and-dry noodles steamed dumplings wonton soybean juice spring rolls and fried dough sticks .

    武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面、 蒸饺、水饺、 豆浆、春卷、油条。

  • Ishmael had a sweet milky coffee and a bowl of steaming wonton soup before him .

    伊士梅尔的面前,摆着一杯奶咖啡和一碗热气腾腾的 馄饨

  • In the north people will eat dumpling and wonton while those in the south eat rice dumpling and long noodle .

    北方地区有冬至 ,吃饺子、 馄饨 习俗,南方地区在这一 天则有吃 冬至米团、 长线面的习惯。

  • Chinese food is often served with Sliced noodles hand-pulled noodles dumplings fried dumplings steamed buns meat pies fried noodles fried rice and wonton .

    中餐常有刀削面、拉面、水饺、锅贴、小笼包、肉饼、炒面、炒饭,还有 馄饨

  • Brand names such as Tsing Tao Beer and Cantonese dialects such as Wonton have been preserved too .

    '青岛啤酒 '这样的商标和广东方言中的 ' 馄饨 ' 翻译 方法都被保持下去。

  • Pork shrimp and vegetable in crispy wonton wrap .

    猪肉, 虾米,蔬菜春卷(油炸)

  • Through knowledge sharing and knowledge integration to achieve Knowledge from Wonton to ordered periodicity benign changes is the basic law of the knowledge transformation enterprise core capabilities and competitive advantage .

    通过知识共享、知识整合实现由知识 混沌向知识有序的、周期性、良性变化,是知识转化成企业核心能力、竞争优势的基本规律。

  • The crab is good but I like the Wonton and Zongzi with chestnut and meat instead .

    螃蟹的 味道确实美味,不过我还是比较喜欢 馄饨和栗子肉馅的粽子。

  • Will you stop what you are doing and help me make wonton ?

    你腾出 来帮我 馄饨 好不好?

  • Wonton Hou of the wonton skin have a thin paper said that the skin on the newspaper to see the words above .


  • We came to the wonton restaurant to eat wonton .

    我们来到这 馄饨店吃馄饨。

  • Ningbo Wonton has two types steamed Wonton and Wonton soup .

    宁波 馄饨有两类,蒸馄饨和馄饨汤。

  • And the hot wonton and noodles served together with two side dishes two bottles of pepper and salt and a nameless flower was just right for my appetite and made the hotel feel like home to me .

    馄饨面热气腾腾,配调味小菜两碟,胡椒粉和盐瓶,加上一枝无名小花,素雅 温馨令人食欲大增时亦有家的感觉。

  • These are often served in a sesame paste and chili oil sauce as a dish called red oil wonton .

    这些往往是担任了芝麻糊和辣椒油酱作为菜所谓的“红油 馄饨”。

  • I had wonton noodles for my lunch today .

    今天午餐我吃了 馄饨面。

  • They thought the wonton soup and milky coffee combination was hilarious .

    宝钗和 黛玉觉得 馄饨汤和奶咖啡的搭配滑稽到家了。

  • Wonton or dumpling soup and noodles are popular nationwide .


  • This day noon to eat wonton commonly known as silver piece soup .

    这天中午要吃 馄饨,俗称“元宝汤”。

  • The market has haven non-fried instant noodles rolling noodle and non-fried instant wonton and many other non-fried instant food products available .

    非油炸方便面、刀削面以及方便 馄饨等众多非油炸方便食品面世。该类制品都要求有高质量的面片。

  • He has been eating at this wonton restaurant for whole three days .

    他在这 馄饨店整整吃了三天了!

  • For instance French president Nicolas Sarkozy loves fried wonton .

    如法国总统萨科齐爱吃炸 馄饨

  • These are delicate thin pieces of fresh wonton skins skilfully fried and then drizzled with a light coating of honey syrup .

    这道菜以小巧、细薄的新鲜 混沌皮,经过油炸,再浇上薄薄一层峰蜜。

  • Then she brought on a bowl of hot wonton .

    于是便端来一碗 馄饨

  • A : Are these called Wonton ?

    这是 馄饨吗?