


  • His seductions involve the usual expensive dinner and witty conversation .

    他的勾引手段包括了常用的昂贵的晚餐和 花言巧语

  • The dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches .

    宴会常常会因为一些非常 诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。

  • I enjoy listening to their witty repartee .

    我很喜欢听他们 妙语连珠的对答。

  • Nick and Sue engaged in a vivacious witty conversation .

    尼克和苏沉醉在活泼而 幽默的交谈中。

  • You are witty I 'll marry you .

    你很 机智,我会嫁给你。

  • The author extracts the maximum from every carefully-crafted scene in this witty tale .

    作者从这个 妙趣横生的故事的每一个精心构思的情节中都摘录了尽可能多的内容。

  • Her music is witty ironic and allusive .

    她的音乐 诙谐讥讽,并充满了暗示。

  • The book contains some brilliant and very witty writing .

    书中有些文字很精彩, 妙趣横生

  • He is by nature a joker a witty man with a sense of fun .

    他天性是个爱开玩笑的人, 说话 诙谐,很有幽默感。

  • He is a witty man and an inspiration to all of us

    机智 风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。

  • Witty language used to convey insults or scorn .

    传达侮辱或蔑视的 机智语言。

  • Better a witty fool man than a foolish wit .


  • The book is witty and peppered with good one-liners .

    这本书 诙谐 幽默,妙语趣话随处可见。

  • She responded to their criticism with a witty retort .

    她以 机智的反驳回应了他们的批评。

  • She is a witty talker .

    她说话很有 风趣

  • ( informal ) a witty amusing person who makes jokes .

    (非正式)一个 富有 机智有趣的开玩笑的人。

  • He was witty amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain .

    机智 诙谐,具有敏锐的商业头脑。

  • Lovely charming witty graceful . You are the perfect hostess .

    可爱、迷人、 聪明、优雅,你是一个理想的主妇。

  • He is a very witty speaker .

    说话 妙语连珠

  • Lyly 's witty dialogue inspired him .

    李利措辞 巧妙的对话启发了他。

  • The artist here questions the value of culture as such and proposes a witty critique of consumerism .

    这里艺术家对文化的价值提出质疑并提出了 风趣的消费主义批评观。

  • It happens like this : When having a conversation we want to sound witty and interesting .

    华尔 日报 发表 文章 ,事情是这样发生的:在交谈中,我们想让自己的话听上去 诙谐有趣。

  • A witty satiric verse containing two rhymed couplets and mentioning a famous person .

    一种 诙谐的讽刺诗包含两个押韵的对句并且提到一位名人。

  • She made a witty speech .

    她做了个 风趣的演说。

  • He is witty and humorous .

    这个 风趣

  • I am both very serious and extremely funny and witty .

    我都非常严重,非常幽默和 诙谐

  • His gave a witty entertaining and articulate speech .

    他口齿伶俐,演讲得 妙趣横生、娓娓动听。

  • It was a witty and diverting programme .

    这是个 妙趣横生的娱乐节目。

  • His plays were very good very witty

    他的剧作非常精彩, 妙趣横生

  • She was a rather shy girl but very smart witty and open-minded .

    她是一个很腼腆的姑娘,但很聪明, 机智和开明的。