wood alcohol

[wʊd ˈælkəˌhɔl][wud ˈælkəˌhɔl]


  • methyl alcohol wood alcohol Once produced by destructive distillation of wood it is now usually made from the methane in natural gas .

    曾经将 木材进行破坏性的干馏来生产 甲醇,现在通常用天然气中的甲烷来制

  • Diesel exhausts are now in the same group as carcinogens ranging from wood chippings to plutonium and from sunlight to alcohol .

    木屑、放射元素钚、阳光、 酒类一样,柴油废气也是致癌物。

  • The determination of resin content in larch wood is always used the traditional Benzene & Alcohol Extract Method .

    落叶松 木材树脂含量的测定,一直采用传统的苯 抽提法。

  • Wood alcohol Study on Separation of Cedrol from Chinese Fir Oil with Freezing Method

    冻析法从杉木油中分离 柏木 的研究

  • Why ? Because your subconscious mind would know the wood alcohol for what it is .

    为什么呢?因为你的潜意识会知道 甲醇到底是什么。

  • There are great differences between trees in wood density ash content hot water extractive 1 % NaOH extractive and alcohol benzene extractive .

    研究发现, 木材密度、灰分和热水、苯 抽出物含量在个体间差异很大,而其它组分在个体间较为均一。

  • Wood alcohol Determination of PVA Concentration in Waste Water by Spectrophotometry


  • Wood of the brandy cask smelt of alcohol .

    白兰地酒桶的 木头闻起来有 酒味

  • The Treatment of Wood Surface for Artificial Larch : Treatment by Alcohol Solution of Phenolic Resin with Low Molecular Weight

    人工林落叶松 木材的表面改质& 溶性低分子酚醛树脂处理

  • Ginkgo wood vinegar was a kind of quite complicated compounds which include water organic acid phenol compound alkanet compound alcohol compound and so on .

    银杏 醋液是一种组成成分相当复杂的混合物,主要成分是水,其次是有机酸、酚类、醛类、 酮类、酯类及其它杂环类物质等。