


  • The investigations in wold have indicated : millimeter wave folded waveguid TWT have been emphasized in THz devices .

    研究 表明:毫米波折叠波导行波管已成为国际范围THz器件的研究重点。

  • ' Hush - don 't be so silly Jacky ' said his wife . ' Yours is not the only family that was of ' count in wold days .

    嘘不要 犯傻了,杰克,他的妻子说, 先前 大户人家又不是你一户。

  • Texture Recognition Using the Wold Model and Support Vector Machines

    基于 Wold模型和支持向量机的纹理识别

  • To enter the ranks of the wold advanced enterprises R & X Technology is committed to products development and manufacturing to create the best brand in the industry .

    公司致力于产品的研发制造,努力打造最优品牌,迈入 世界先进企业行列,走向世界。

  • We share the same wold !

    我们共享同一个 世界

  • I wold like to live to study and not study to live .

    愿意为了学习而 或者,而不是为了活着而学习。

  • Now China has become an important and rapid developed consumer market on new luxury in the wold .

    目前,中国正成为 世界 重要而且快速增长的新 奢侈品消费市场。

  • Up to now 32 gene loci for resistance against stripe rust and 30 gene loci for resistance against powdery mildew have been assigned to particular wheat chromosomes in the wold .

    目前, 国际 已命名并定位了32个抗条锈病基因和30个抗 白粉病基因。

  • How wold your colleagues / classmates describe you in five words ? On what evidence would they base this assessment .

    你的同事或者同学将如何就 只用五个词来形容你?他们将依据什么来作出这些评价?

  • This indicates that overfrequent destroying the above-ground part of common wold rice might be one of the most important reasons for local extinction of some populations of the species .

    提示过频破坏普通 野生稻地上部分是该种部分种群发生地方性绝灭的重要原因之一。

  • So here if you are a peace lover please go another any place in the wold .

    所以,安宁,在这里完全是一种 奢望。如果你是一个爱好宁静的人, 迪拜 不是你最好的 选择

  • On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye That clothe the wold and meet the sky ;

    躺在任何一方的河流大麦和黑麦龙场,这衣服的 沃尔德和满足的天空;

  • It has left off raining down in Lincolnshire at last and Chesney Wold has taken heart .

    林肯郡的雨终于停止, 切斯尼山庄也跟着热闹起来了。

  • Although most countries now use a system of bank notes and coi many different commodities have been used as money by people in various parts of the wold and various times in history .

    虽然大多数国家目前实行一种钞票和硬币的货币体系,但在 世界不同的地区和不同的历史阶段,许多各式各样的商品也都充当过货币。

  • Don 't upload documents which are over15mb if found deletion wold be the result .

    不要把大于 15mb的文件放到公享里,如果发现,删除处理。

  • The goal of the Swordfish project is to provide an extensible SOA framework based on the proven Eclipse Equinox runtime technology Wold said .


  • Lima Peru is the wold 's ninth-fastest growing city and the fastest growing city in South America .

    秘鲁首都 利马增速排名第九,同时也是南美洲经济增长最快的城市。

  • That result was the fastest time in the wold so far this year .

    那个 比赛结果是到目前为止今年 世界 最快的 成绩

  • China was playing an important role in the wold stage which was a responsible great country .

    他说,中国在 世界的舞台上正发挥着重要的作用。中国是一个负责任的大国。

  • China has the wold 's oldest living civilization .

    中国有 世界 最古老的文明。

  • I want no world for beautiful you are my wold my true .

    我不想要全世界,因为你就是我的 全部,我的真爱。

  • Based on observed soil carbon density data over wold wide and model results of net primary production a simple model was built that can be used directly in calculating average soil respiration rate and soil carbon density .

    根据 大量实测的土壤碳密度资料并结合生产力模型,得到一组直接利用 气候资料来计算平均土壤呼吸速率和土壤碳密度的公式,并 实测资料进行了 对比

  • The Uruguay Round and the establishment the WTO have shanged the character of the wold trading system .

    乌拉圭回合和世界贸易组织的建立改变了 世界贸易体系的性质。

  • To see a wold in a grain of sand .

    沙里看出一个 世界

  • If you never made a mistake how wold you know that I 'm Forgiving ?

    如果你从无过失,你 怎能知道我愿意赦免?

  • A new method of texture analysis based on wold decomposition

    一种新的基于 Wold分解的纹理分析方法

  • That wold give yelp a lot to boast about .


  • Any of numerous large Old Wold hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles .

    东半球众多的大型 ,某些特征介于鹰和雕之间。

  • I 've got a wold silver spoon and a wold graven seal at home too ;

    我家里还 保存 一把 古老的银匙和一方刻有纹章的古印;