

n.贪婪者,色狼,狼(wolf的复数)狼( wolf的名词复数 )

  • Famished ( or hungry ) wolves were howling in the wilds .


  • He encounter boar wild dog and wolves in the woods .


  • I thoughty wolves ate you .

    我怕 已经吃了你呢。

  • Steve Bull notched his 200th goal for Wolves as they beat Leicester 3-0

    史蒂夫·布尔为 狼队攻入了他的第200粒进球,他们以3比0击败了莱斯特队。

  • The shepherd and his dog fought against the wolves .

    牧羊人和他的狗与 狼群抗争。

  • We must make the experiment boldly and must not “ fear wolves ahead and tigers behind ” .

    要大胆试验,不要前怕 ,后怕虎。

  • This child will think wolves have white paws .

    孩子会觉得 有一对白色的爪子。

  • Wolves aren 't that different from dogs !


  • This is a vast forest in which the lions foxes and wolves live .


  • Wolves can be crossed with any breed of dog .


  • Wolves hunt in large packs .


  • Wolves worry the sheep .


  • We were hungry as wolves !

    我们饿得像 一样

  • So no bears wolves or ghosts can get hold of me .

    那样就没有熊, ,或者幽灵能够到我了。

  • Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring .


  • It was about being sensible against Wolves and I thought I did that .

    在对 狼队 比赛 上场是合理的,而且我认为我也做到了应该做的。

  • Now we 've learned a lot about tigers and wolves .

    现在了许多关于老虎和 的知识。

  • The wolves can he a curse to the village .


  • Dogs differ from wolves in shape .

    狗与 的身型不同。

  • The silent wolves would track and circle them .

    悄无声息的 群狼会跟踪并包围他们。

  • And drunk CEOs aren 't wolves ?

    喝醉了的总裁们就不是 色狼了?

  • Others again simply dined off the flesh of horses the wolves had killed eaten raw and without salt .

    从他人了,简单地进餐的肉, 狼群杀死了马和无盐生吃。

  • We 're wolves surrounded by sheep .


  • Humans and wolves both lived in groups .

    人类和 都是群居动物。

  • I have seen wolves in that forest .


  • I was raised by wolves .

    我是被 养大的。

  • Most of the gorillas and wolves were cheering and happy to see the people go .

    大部分的大猩猩和 在欢呼,并且很高兴看到人都走了。

  • It is about wolves and man 's relations with wild animals and nature .

    它是关于 与人,野生动物与自然的关系。

  • Wolves howl .


  • The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours .

    那些 在林边一直嚎叫了几个小时。