


v.开发( tap的现在分词 )(从容器等)汲取(液体)割[打]开…取[放]液体轻拍,轻敲

  • I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets of the universe into the outstretched hand of Helen Keller .

    我是 安妮·沙利文,把宇宙的秘密放入海伦·凯勒的手中和心里;

  • You were just tapping on your keyboard right ?

    你只在 键盘,对吗?

  • Random tapping with varying force and speed is used to stir and smooth the meridians .

    用不同的力和速度来进行随意的 敲击是用来刺激和舒缓经脉的。

  • Our products are tapping screw machine screw wood screw and wire rod .

    主导产品为各种 自攻钉、机螺钉、木螺钉和线材改制。

  • Police have decided not to lay charges over allegations of a telephone tapping operation .

    警方决定不就涉嫌 窃听电话一事提出起诉。

  • Life has a funny way of tapping us on the shoulder when we need to create change .

    生活以一种有趣的方式,在我们需要改变时 轻拍我们的肩膀。

  • There 's no rhythm to his tapping and that makes you smile a bit .

    他的 脚没什么节奏 可言,而这让你扯开了一点微笑。

  • The company is tapping shareholders for £ 15.8 million

    公司要 股东募集1,580万英镑。

  • I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk .

    我听到他用手指 轻叩桌子的声音。

  • Outsourcing and offshoring offer additional opportunities for tapping into the global jobs market .

    外包和海外转移为 利用全球就业岗位市场提供了新的机遇。

  • This is a patented single column machine for drilling or for tapping .

    这是一台获得专利的单柱机,可以用来钻孔或 攻丝

  • They worked on the farm tapping rubber trees .

    他们在这农场做 割胶的工作。

  • He was tapping his walking stick against his leg .

    他用手杖 轻敲着腿。

  • Drilling milling and tapping can be finished clamping one time .

    一次装夹可以完成钻孔,铣削, 攻丝加工 工序

  • There was a soft tapping on my door

    有人在轻轻地 我的门。

  • Operations such as reaming and tapping are also classified as drilling .

    绞孔和 攻丝也归类于钻孔。

  • I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window

    我半夜里醒来,听见有 窗户的声音。

  • If you need help tapping into the subconscious mind you can make an appointment with a hypnotherapist .

    如果你需要帮助, 进入潜意识,你可以约一个催眠治疗师。

  • You can still type the old way tapping one key at a time .

    此外,你依然可以按老方法每次 一个键来 打字

  • You can also optionally use light tapping instead of clicking a common option on other laptops .

    你还可以选择使用光 感应,而不是点击,这是其它笔记本电脑很常见的选项。

  • Dermot joined her his eyes on the dance floor his fingers tapping out a rhythm on the table

    德莫特加入了她的行列,眼睛盯着舞池,手指在桌子上 着节拍。

  • The music is used to forward the plot not simply to keep the toes tapping .

    音乐用来推进情节发展,而不仅仅是保持 节奏

  • Tapping this resource is a powerful way of building national capacities .


  • Is that you 've been illegally tapping your superior 's phone .

    你在你上级的电话上作了不合法的 手脚

  • There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty tapping away on a manual typewriter

    有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上 啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。

  • Helen and Anne worked hard using the tapping and a form of Braille to communicate and to learn .

    安努力地教海伦用 轻敲 手背的方法学习,并使用盲人点字法进行交流和学习。

  • In the midst of a rapid tapping sound in the keyboard I returned to the desk to pick up a pen .

    在一阵急促的 敲打键盘的声音中,我回到了书桌前,拿起了笔。

  • Using tapping screw and slide hammer kit no.168 .

    使用 自攻螺钉和编号为168的滑锤套件。

  • The controlling system improves the machining efficiency and can deal with the emergent factors successfully in the tapping process .

    所设计的控制系统,提高了加工效率和对 攻丝过程中突发因素的处理能力。

  • They located the right chimney by tapping at the walls and listening for the man 's cries .

    他们通过 烟囱倾听那人的喊叫声而确定了传出声音的那个烟囱。