tariff reform

[ˈtærɪf rɪˈfɔrm][ˈtærif riˈfɔ:m]


  • In 2003 a new round of power tariff reform was initiated .

    2003年是 新一轮 电价 改革的起点。

  • Liberal-unionist Joseph Chamberlain as the representative combined tariffs with empire employment and efficiency . They believe that tariff reform was necessary implementing preferential tariff in England and its autonomy colonies .

    以约瑟夫·张伯伦为代表的自由派联合主义者将关税和帝国、就业、效率联系起来,他们认为,要提高国民效率,必须推行 关税 改革,在英国和它的自治殖民地之间实行特惠关税。

  • Objectives and Countermeasures for Railway Tariff Reform

    铁路 运价 改革的目标与对策

  • Promoting Tariff Reform Accelerating the Pace of Railway Entering the Market

    推进 运价 改革加快铁路进入市场步伐

  • Coordinating tariff reduction and domestic tax reform will be an rational and efficiency policy .

    合理、有效的政策应当是 关税与国内税收的配套协调 改革

  • Mr de Boer cited financing particularly a fund to help developing countries adapt to climate change tariff reform and technology transfer as areas where China was engaging most constructively .

    德布尔指出,中国极富建设性地参与了融资等领域的事务,尤其是一只帮助发展中国家适应气候变化、进行 关税 改革和技术转移的基金。

  • In the macro view it analyses the importance and function of railway tariff and expounds problems encountered in reform as well as the goals expected . It also gives specific suggestions on tariff reform .

    从宏观角度分析了铁路运价的地位和作用,对运价改革面临的问题和预期的目标进行了阐述,并对 运价 改革提出了一些具体建议。

  • The research indicates that the two water tariff reform emphasized restriction of water quantity in arable land irrigation but it ignores farmers ' rational demand to irrigation works by given institutions and the current budget by the effective supply capability of the irrigation systems .

    研究表明,两部 水价 政策强化了农田灌溉中的水量限制,而忽视了在既定制度约束下农民对水利工程供水的理性需求和灌溉系统的有效供水能力的现实约束。

  • Eight Establish an green tariff system and deepen the reform of export tax rebate .

    建议八,建立绿色 关税制度,深化出口退税 改革

  • Currently the National Development and Reform Commission is leading the development of deepening the power tariff reform program its long-term goal is to really establish a market-oriented price formation mechanism .

    目前,国家发改委正牵头制定深化 电价 改革方案,其远期目标是真正建立起市场化的电价形成机制。

  • This article discusses the necessity of reforming the current tariff system and puts foreward several points worth attention during the reform .

    本文论述了改革现行 关税制度的必要性,并提出了在 改革中应注意的几个问题。

  • Tariff Reduction and Coordinated Reform of Domestic Indirect Taxes


  • Economics Analysis on Two Part Water Tariff Policy Effect in Irrigation Districts Incentive Participation of Farmers and Water Savings : Empirical Research on the Reform of Water Management Institution in the Irrigation Districts of the Yellow River Basin

    灌区两部 水价政策的经济分析激励机制、农民参与和节水效应:黄河流域灌区水管理制度 改革的实证研究

  • On Railway Tariff Reform

    试论铁路 运价 改革

  • As a key part of the central finance income the function of the customs tariff for guaranteeing the finance income is increasingly fulfilled by its energetic contribution to the steady and sustainable growth of Chinese economic reform .

    随着我国经济 改革的发展,海关 税收作为中央财政的重要一环,为国家的稳定 改革和持续发展发挥了积极的作用, 关税的财政保障作用日益凸现。

  • At the same time the provision tariff reform proposes a new opportunity and challenge for automobile insurance management of insurance company .

    条款 费率 改革又给保险公司车险的经营和管理提出了新的机遇和挑战。