target image

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈimidʒ]


  • In this paper an improved algorithm for corner detecting of original tracking target image based on mathematical morphology is introduced .

    提出了利用数学形态学对原有跟踪 目标 图像进行角点检测的改进算法。

  • The target image has been abstracted in accordance with the different color whose outline has been identified and whose impurity has been deleted .

    用基于颜色空间的方法提取 目标 图像,完成 图像去噪和边缘检测工作;

  • Results show that with the Gaossian beam 's waist radius becoming smaller and interval between target image and gaussian beam center becoming bigger output correlation peak value decrease .

    为输出高的相关峰值,扩束 准直 光学系统输出的高斯光束腰斑半径应 满足一定 要求

  • The approach of target feature extraction and recognition for the low-resolution IR target image is studied in this paper .

    针对末敏子弹试验样机在某试验靶场的高塔上 扫描,所获得的低分辨率红外 目标 图像,介绍了目标特征提取及识别方法。

  • It automatically adjusts the pasted object to the target image color range and smoothes the object 's borders .

    它自动将所粘贴的对象融入 目标 图像色彩范围中并平滑粘贴对象的边界。

  • PTZ vision camera imitates the fovea of retina orients gaze onto the target and keeps the target image stable on the fovea realizing gaze and smooth pursuit .

    PTZ摄像机系统模拟中央凹 视觉功能,完成局部精确注视与平滑跟踪。

  • A Segmentation and Reconstruction Method for Target Image Within Large-scale Inhomogenous Background

    不均匀背景 图像 目标的一种分割和重建方法

  • A simple algorithm is introduced to separate extract and location target image in sub image system .

    利用简单、实时的算法有效实现了亚成像系统中的 目标 图像分离、标记提取与定位。

  • Research on Infrared Target Image Segmentation and Compression Based on Transition Region

    基于过渡区的红外 目标 图像分割与压缩研究

  • It segmented the target image with simple thresholding and then detected the image edges .

    通过 设定门限的方法对待测 图像进行分割,再对分割后的图像提取边界

  • A New Adaptive Threshold Method for Target Image Segmentation

    一种新的 目标 图像自适应阈值分割算法

  • Test shows this method which shortens the operation time greatly and reads target image height accurately improves the precision of range estimation .

    实验统计分析表明此方法大大缩短了距离估算操作时间,实现了 跟踪 目标 高的准确读取,从而提高了距离估算的准确度。

  • The digital image quality evaluation involves the information capacity of image but the magnitude of information capacity of input target image cant determine the quality in the correlation output .

    数字图像质量的评价涉及到图像的信息量问题,但在光电匹配滤波相关识别中,输入 目标 图像的信息量大小并不是相关输出优劣的决定因素。

  • Probability Model in Semantic Analysis of Complicated Target Image Based on Ontology

    基于概率的复杂 目标 图像语义推理模型

  • The scene model of infrared small target image was established .

    建立了红外小 目标 图像的场景模型。

  • Fuzzy Enhancement Method for Infrared Vehicle Target Image Based on Genetic Algorithm

    基于遗传 算法的红外车辆 目标模糊增强

  • Low SNR Infrared Weak Target Image Segmentation Algorithm

    低信噪比红外小 目标 图像的分割方法

  • It proposes a method with estimating the rotation angle of the target image based on frame aspect ratio of the keys and improves the efficiency of matching algorithm .

    采用基于按键边框长宽比估算 目标 图像旋转角度的方法,提高识别方法的效率。

  • The infrared target simulator is composed of infrared target image transmitter and the optical projection system .

    红外目标模拟器由红外 目标 图像发生器和投影光学系统组成。

  • In scene matching false matching occurs due to brightness contrast scale noise and rotation difference between real-time target image and standard target image .

    景象匹配中,实时 目标 与基准目标图之间的亮度、对比度、噪声水平以及旋转等差异是造成误匹配的重要原因。

  • This paper introduces a target image recognition technology based on support vector machine .

    介绍了 目标 图像 前期 处理目标 图像的特征提取和基于支持向量机的 目标 图像识别方法。

  • Recognition of SAR Target Image Based on Integration of Geometric Features

    基于几何特征信息融合的SAR 图像 目标识别

  • The experiment result indicates that this recognition method is fine to recognize the low-resolution IR target image .

    用以DSP为 图像微处理器的试验样机进行现场试验表明:该方法对低分辨率红外 目标的识别有好的效果。

  • Based on an analysis of the wavelet muhi2scale transform in target image this paper puts forward a method that extracts face feature based on wavelet analysis and realized this method with MATLAB .

    文章在 研究图像多尺度小波分析的基础上,提出了基于小波多尺度分解人脸特征提取的方法,并在MATLAB上实现了该算法。

  • 3-D Reconstruction and High Frequency Echo Characteristic Analysis Based on Target Image

    目标 图片三维重建和高频回波特性分析

  • A new method to enhance an infrared target image and detect its edge is presented in this paper .

    对红外 目标 图像进行了图像增强和边缘提取。

  • Applications of Wavelet Transform in Infrared Target Image Edge Detection

    子波变换在红外 目标 图像边缘提取中的应用

  • The design of a simplified angle tracking system based on the target image

    简化运动模型的 目标 图像角跟踪系统设计

  • A New Enhancement Algorithm for Infrared DIM-small Target Image

    一种红外弱小 目标 图像增强的新算法

  • This paper presents an algorithm for target image extraction and high precious target centroid tracking in complex environment .

    本文介绍一种复杂背景中 目标 图像的提取与高精度目标形心跟踪算法。