The state promulgates tentative tariff rates of tax regulations for import & Export
国家颁布进出口 税则暂定 税率
It points out the existing problems in the freight tariff regulations stipulated in the Railway Law in China .
指出我国《铁路法》中 运价 规范存在的问题。
Customs Import and Export Tariff is an integral part of these Regulations .
《海关进出口 税则 》是本 条例的组成部分。
This is mainly because under the background of the progressive liberalization of international trade with the substantially reducing of traditional tariff and non-tariff trade barriers TBT ( technical barriers to trade ) marked with technical standards and technical regulations are rapidly popular .
原因在于,在国际贸易自由化逐步深入的背景下,随着传统 关税和非关税贸易壁垒的大幅削减,以技术标准、技术 法规为标志的技术性贸易壁垒正迅速盛行起来。
After the analysis of the price and freight tariff regulations stipulated-in the law for basic departments at home and that for the railway abroad it points out the basic contents included in the modified freight tariff clause .
在分析国内基础部门法律,国外铁路法律中价格、 运价 规范的基础上,指出修改后的运价条款应包含的基本内容。
Stevedoring tariff of non-standard containers will be implemented based on MOC 's Regulations on Port Charges ( International Trade ) .
非标准集装箱装卸 包干 费,按照交通部《港口收费 规则 》(外贸部分) 规定 办法实施。
As a result we should take appropriate opportunities to revise the current Customs Law and regulate and adjust the current tariff enforcement measures with the aim of issuing a new version of Measures for Implementation of the Regulations of the Customs on Tariff Enforcement .
因此,对我国《海关法》进行修改与完善,规范与调整现行 关税强制措施,尽快出台一部《海关实施关税强制措施 管理 办法 》迫在眉睫。
The country has to import most of its raw material . Customs Import and Export Tariff is an integral part of these Regulations .
这个国家原料大部分靠进口。 《海关进出口 税则 》是本 条例的组成部分。
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ) is home to three international airlines . Stevedoring tariff of non-standard containers will be implemented based on MOC 's Regulations on Port Charges ( International Trade ) .
以香港为基地的国际航空公司有3家,其中以国泰航空公司的规模最大。二、非标准集装箱装卸 包干 费,按照交通部《港口收费 规则 》(外贸部分) 规定 办法实施。
[法] 税则