tar on


  • The effect of stable radicals in cigarette tar on cell DNA synthesis

    香烟 焦油中稳定性自由基等物质 细胞DNA合成的影响

  • Secondly The estimation model of cigarettes tar content based on SVM is established .

    其次,建立了 基于支持向量机的卷烟 焦油含量预测模型。

  • Catalytic Cracking Research of Biomass Tar on Calcium Oxide

    生物质 焦油 氧化钙上的催化裂解研究

  • Effect of coal tar addition on softening point and coking value of pitch

    焦油加入量 沥青软化点和结焦值的影响

  • Influence of coal tar pitchs on anode quality for the domestic aluminum reduction cells

    沥青 我国铝用炭阳极质量的影响

  • The adsorption of various components in coal tar pitches on solid carbon materials

    固体炭材料 沥青中某些组份的吸附作用

  • They would make turpentine from tar and get the black sticky tar on the heels of their feet .

    他们会从 焦油里提炼树脂,并把那个黑稠的焦油弄到脚跟

  • White on the outside black as tar on the inside .

    外表皮肤是白,可骨子里 沥青 的黑。

  • Note that if the tar supported on your system has problems with long pathnames then it might not support the newer tar format .

    请注意,如果系统的 tar不支持长路径名,那么它可能不支持更新的tar格式。

  • In this paper the adsorption of TS and TES in coal tar pitches on some solid carbon materials was investigated using solvent extract method .

    本文用溶剂抽提法研究了某些炭材料 沥青中甲苯可溶物和三氯乙烯可溶物的吸附作用。

  • Influence of Adding Modified Coal Tar Pitch on the Mixed Coals Cokeability in the Coking Process

    沥青 冶金炼焦过程配合煤成焦性质的影响

  • Influence of Catalytic Cracking of Tar on Gas Component

    焦油的催化裂解 燃气组成的影响

  • Damage of cigarette tar on human retinal pigment epithelium in vitro

    焦油 体外人视网膜色素上皮细胞的损害

  • Combined with analyzing the dynamic characteristics of non-stable hydrologic time sequences of tidal rivers The ARIMA model and TAR model based on genetic algorithm are both excerpted into the prediction field of the tidal rivers successfully .

    结合感潮河段非平稳时间序列的动态特性,引入ARIMA模型、 基于遗传算法的 门限自回归模型对感潮河段的水文序列成功的进行了预报尝试。

  • The device is characterized by high automation level reliable operation good cleaning effect capable of thoroughly cleaning tar and deposit on oven door and knife - edge ensuring the sealing effect of oven door and oven proper .

    该装置自动化程度高、工作可靠、清扫效果好,能全面清除炉门及刀边 焦油等污垢,保证了炉门与焦炉炉体的密封性能。

  • With naphthalene as model compound the catalytic cracking experiments on biomass tar are made on Ni catalysts and its catalyst preparation activity coke forming and regeneration is analyzed .

    以萘为生物质 焦油模型化合物,在以白云石为载体制备的Ni基催化剂 进行了催化裂解实验研究,对催化剂的制备技术、活性、积炭失活性能和再生方式进行了实验分析。

  • I had volunteered to tar the roof on my father 's shed .

    那天,我自告奋勇去给我父亲的(工具)棚顶 柏油

  • Effect of Cigarette-smoke Tar on Oxygenation Activity of Granulocytes Detected by Luminol - and Lucigenin-Enhanced Chemiluminescence Response of Rabbit Whole Blood

    香烟 烟油 粒细胞氧合作用活性影响的化学发光研究

  • A rag soaked with pine tar ; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip .

    吸收了松树 焦油的布;使击球手更坚固的用于棒球的把柄

  • The New Filter Rod Additive for Reducing Tar Yields Study on Comprehensive Technology of Reducing Tar Yields of Cigarette

    新型滤棒降 添加剂的 研究卷烟降焦综合技术方法与实践

  • Effect of coal tar pitch modification on property of prebaked anode block

    沥青改性 铝电解预焙阳极块使用性能的影响

  • It was so hot the tar on the road melted .

    天很热,路面 柏油都软化了。

  • Apply steam to heat the flushing-liquor decanter indirectly to soften the heavy tar depositing on the bottom of tank to decrease the drag of chain scraper .

    用蒸汽在机械化澄清槽底部间接加热,使沉积 底部的重质 焦油软化,减少刮板阻力。

  • Combined Micronucleus Effect Induced by Sodium Fluoride and Coal Tar Pitch Fumes on the Tradescantia Paludosa

    氟化钠与 沥青烟联合诱发的紫露草微核效应

  • Objective To investigate the influence of the smoke tar on the expression of aromatic hydrocarbon receptor ( AHR ) and the cytochrome P4501Al ( CYP1A1 ) gene of mice lungs .

    目的研究烟 焦油 小鼠肺多环芳烃化合物受体(AHR)、细胞色素P4501A1(CYP1A1)基因表达的影响。

  • On Application Procedures of Coal Tar Enamel on Submarine Pipelines

    对海底管道煤 焦油瓷漆涂敷工艺的见识

  • I knew the cobblestones in their layer of tar on the road and the changing surface of the sidewalk from flagstones to little lumps of basalt set in wave patterns tar and gravel .

    我熟悉 柏油 路上的鹅卵石,人行道上变换的路面,从石板到镶嵌成波浪形的玄武岩碎石块,沥青和砾石。

  • At present time not only does China 's coal tar processing scatters on small equipment but also normal pressure continuous still process use . As a result average energy consumption is as high as 1.09 ~ 1 . 26 GJ / t.

    当前我国煤 焦油加工不仅分散 小规模装置上进行,而且用了全常压连续蒸馏的生产工艺,致使平均能耗高达1.09~1.26GJ/t。

  • Effect of cracking reaction of tar component on the activity of calcium oxide

    氧化钙催化活性 焦油裂解过程中的变化规律