tariff system

[ˈtærɪf ˈsɪstəm][ˈtærif ˈsistəm]

[经] 关税制度

  • As the current import tariff system can not adapt to the rapid development of transnational small off-line transaction modificafion must be made .

    随着跨国小额离线交易的增多,现行进口 关税 制度已经不能适应新形势的发展,亟需针对电子商务的特点做出完善。

  • GATT and Chinese Tariff System

    关贸总协定与中国 关税 制度

  • This article discusses the necessity of reforming the current tariff system and puts foreward several points worth attention during the reform .

    本文论述了改革现行 关税 制度的必要性,并提出了在改革中应注意的几个问题。

  • On the Status Quo and Development of China 's Null Tariff System

    中国零 关税 机制的现状与发展

  • The basic tariff in dual tariff system can be calculated as transformer capacity of maximized demand .

    电价 的基本电费可按变压器容量或最大需量进行计算。

  • Power customers load profile clustering is the basis for constructing an appropriate tariff system and applying load management measures .

    电力用户负荷曲线的聚类是形成合理 电价 体系和实施负荷管理措施的基础。

  • The Necessity of Reforming the Current Tariff System

    论我国现行 关税 制度改革之必要性

  • Thereafter this paper discusses the issue of transnational small off-line transaction in order to propose modificafion to current import tariff system .

    基于此,本文欲通过跨国小额离线交易进口关税问题的探讨,提出我国进口 关税 制度的完善建议。

  • Design of the tariff system of program controlled switch and keys to ensure the accuracy of the tariff

    程控交换机 计费 系统设计中确保计费准确性的若干关键环节

  • Preliminary Study on Two-part Power Tariff System The transfer pricing strategy for technical institutes was analyzed .

    两部制上网 电价 定价 方法初探首先,从一般需求函数出发,得出两部技术转移定价法的一般解析表达式。

  • Development and Application of Real-time Query Tariff System for Electricity Charge POS System

    电费POS机实时查询 交费 系统的开发与应用

  • Based on the one-part tariff system and the traditional two-part tariff system this paper considers the dynamic ancillary capacity and introduces a novel two-part tariff system . The capacity is divided into the generation capacity and the dynamic ancillary one which are squared separately .

    在一部 电价和传统两部制 电价的基础上,提出了一种考虑动态辅助容量的两部制电价交易机制,将容量分为发电容量和动态辅助容量2个部分分别结算。

  • British commonwealth preference tariff system

    英联邦特惠 关税 制度

  • The paper brings out policy suggestions on cooling storage air conditioning tariff system efficiency standard and distributed energy on power network .

    对限制室内外温差、建立蓄冷空调 电价 体系、制订常规空调能效等级标准和分布式能源电力上网等提出政策建议。

  • Charging & Tariff System of Gateway Station

    关口局 计费 结算 系统

  • As oversea trade developed tariff system also made progress and became kings ' major type of tenured tax .

    而随着对外贸易的发展, 关税 制度也进一步发展,成为国王终身享有的税收。

  • Thailand recently adopted a tariff system to encourage renewable production while the Philippines this year introduced legislation forcing oil companies to include a small percentage of biodiesel and bioethanol in output .

    泰国最近采纳了一项 关税 体系,鼓励可再生能源的生产;菲律宾今年立法迫使石油公司在产出中包含一小部分生物柴油和生物酒精。

  • Research and Design of Mobile Tariff System Based on Clustering Mining

    基于聚类挖掘的移动 资费 体系研究与设计

  • Automobile insurance innovation was carried out formally on January 1 2003 and insurance companies have their own rights to establish insurance clause and premium tariff system from then on .

    2003年1月1日,我国正式实行机动车辆保险改革,赋予各保险公司自行制定车险条款 费率 体系的权利。

  • The existent problems in electrical energy meter and tariff system for low voltage and un-large industrial user in China have restricted the normal development of power market and the power demand side management .

    当前我国低压非大工业用户计费电能表及其 电价 存在的问题已经制约了电力市场的正常发展和电力需求侧管理的开展。

  • The author believed that to adjust the tariff system is the need of development of market economy and the basic method for overcoming the difficulties of military supply transport .

    认为调整铁路 军运 运价 机制是适应市场经济发展的需要,也是解决当前军运难的根本办法。

  • Reform Discussion on Electrical Energy Meter and Tariff System for Low Voltage and Un-large Industrial User

    低压非大工业用户电能表与 电价 改革初探

  • After that the author will study briefly the relation of Algerian with the GATT which dates back to 1987 and with the WTO with which Algeria negotiated and is still negotiating about issues such as fiscal and tariff system .

    其后,作者将简单的研究1987年以来阿尔及利亚与关贸总协定之间的关系,以及世贸组织关于阿尔及利亚的商议,不过至今商议问题仍是关于财政和 关税 制度问题。

  • Establishing a Transportation Tariff System for China ` s Natural Gas Pipelines

    对建立我国天然气管输 体系的设想

  • Meanwhile to meet the requirement of WTO rules and further economic reform it is also imperative for the customs tariff system to change .

    同时,为了适应经济改革以及WTO的要求,中国海关 关税 改革势在必行。

  • Protective tariff system is conservative in nowadays and the free trade system has played a destructive role .

    保护 关税 制度在现今是保守的,而自由贸易制度却起着破坏作用。

  • Besides we should regulate and perfect our value added tax system sales tax system tariff system stamp tax system .

    在此基础上,调整、完善我国的增值税制度、营业税制度、 关税 制度、印花税制度。

  • The paper discusses the design of the tariff system of the digital and program controlled switch and presents key points which ensure the accurate tariff according to the practice of our improving the tariff system imported from abroad .

    本文介绍程控交换机 计费 系统的设计,并结合改进某进口程控交换机计费系统的实践,提出设计中确保计费准确性的若干关键环节。

  • The coming and influence of foreign controlled taxation and tariff system in neoteric China

    近代中国海关外籍税务 制度的形成及影响

  • Eight Establish an green tariff system and deepen the reform of export tax rebate .

    建议八,建立绿色 关税 制度,深化出口退税改革。