target phase

[ˈtɑrɡɪt fez][ˈtɑ:ɡit feiz]


  • This new method can obtain the direction of the target with phase information of two orthogonal interferometers on the observer and the radial distance with the corresponding phase rate of change . Then the target can be located with high speed and precision .

    该方法利用观测平台上两个相互正交的相位干涉仪接收 目标辐射电磁波的 相位获取 目标的方向信息,利用对应的相位变化率获取目标的径向距离信息,从而实现对目标的实时高精度定位。

  • Target of this phase : improving ourselves regardless of others and letting customers appreciate us ;

    阶段 目标:独善其身,让客户欣赏我们;

  • In this paper a simple and practical circuit for laser diode modulation is presented the principle circuit and the principle of choosing component are given at last application in sine wave modulation in non cooperative target phase shift laser rangefinder is introduced .

    本文介绍了一种简单有效的半导体激光器调制电路,给出了电路原理图,元件的选择原则,最后介绍了在非合作 目标 相位式激光测距系统中实现正弦调制的应用。

  • The high speed moving target imaging method of phase coding signal is studied .

    研究了 相位编码信号的高速运动 目标成像方法。

  • Meanwhile the extent to which learners perceive the form-meaning mappings in the target language manipulates the developmental phase and the variability in learner language .

    同时,对 目标语语言形式和意义对应关系的认知程度决定了学习者语言发展的 阶段性和变化性特点。

  • There are a lot of factors leading to wavefront distortion and influencing beam quality . In order to achieve high coupling efficiency between laser beam and target the phase must be precisely controlled to achieve the special focal irradiance profile .

    高功率固体激光装置中有诸多因素导致波前畸变,影响光束质量;为实现高效的束 耦合,必须精密控制 波前以实现特定焦斑分布。

  • Target of this phase : letting customers trust in us by means of brand effect ;

    阶段 目标:品牌效应,让客户信任我们;

  • The Relationship Between Dyslipidemia and the Severity of Coronary Artery Atherosclerotic Lesion Stress Wave Analysis of Abnormal Spall in Metal Target Relating to Phase Transition

    冠状动脉病变程度与血脂成分异常相关性分析 相变引起金属 板异常层裂的应力波分析

  • In this paper the problem of tracking target with space surveillance phase array radar is studied .

    主要研究空间监视 相控阵雷达 目标跟踪问题。

  • Stress Wave Analysis of Abnormal Spall in Metal Target Relating to Phase Transition

    相变引起金属 板异常层裂的应力波分析

  • In chapter 2 the basic principle and observability for target location utilizing phase difference rate-of-change and Doppler rate-of-change information of emitter is discussed .

    论文第二章介绍了利用 相位差变化率和多普勒变化率的定位原理,并且通过系统可观测性分析证明了其与角度信息联合利用跟踪 目标的可行性。

  • Target SNR loss caused by phase noise in LO of Doppler radar

    多普勒雷达本振 相位噪声导致的 目标信噪比损失

  • As the system-level target to design low phase noise wide tuning range and fast settling time of the frequency synthesizer which increases the difficulty of design .

    由于系统级的 指标 要求,需要设计低 相位噪声、宽调谐范围、快速的建立时间的频率综合器。

  • Then a strategic discussion is made regarding the target position and phase arrangement for the bill market development for our commercial banks .

    在此基础上,从战略层面探讨了我国商业银行票据市场发展的 目标定位和 阶段安排;

  • Target spacecraft in the second phase of national manned astronautical engineering consists of resource cabin and experimental cabin .

    我国载人航天二 工程研制的交会对接 目标飞行器由实验舱和资源舱组成。

  • Method for Acceleration and Velocity Estimation of Linear FMCW Radars Target Based on Polynomial Phase Transform ;

    提出了一种利用 相位变换形状保持特性的错误 恢复编码新方法。

  • Evaluation of target recognition performance has been divided into two phases . They are the pretreatment stage and target recognition phase .

    将目标识别性能评估分为两阶段进行,一是预处理阶段,二是 目标识别 阶段

  • Methods : The target compound was synthesized by phase transfer catalysis .

    方法:应用 转移催化法合成 目标化合物;

  • A pulsed voltage of magnetically insulated diode and pulsed ion beam and temperature evolution of the target including phase transition models have been built by combining Monte Carlo method and thermodynamical method .

    结合MonteCarlo方法和热力学方法,建立了脉冲离子束能量模型以及 靶材 相变温度模型。

  • The high power laser beams are expected to be obtained in the target with the amplitude and phase undisturbed after going through the atmosphere .

    强激光通过大气环境后,在 目标处希望得到振幅与 相位未畸变的激光束。

  • A cascaded - phases retrieval algorithm that synthesizes the target image into two random phase - masks ( RPM ) was proposed for image encryption .

    提出用级联相位恢复算法把 加密图像综合到2块随机 相位板(RPM)之中从而实现图像加密的技术。

  • A new material surface modification method or cold spraying technology is introduced . In this way the coat is deposited on the target by supersonic two phase flow at normal temperature or in a little bit heated gas .

    介绍一种新型材料表面改性技术&冷喷涂技术,即气体在常温下或在有限加热温度下,利用 超音速气流将涂层粉末喷射到基板形成保护涂层。

  • As for target discrimination in the power spectrum image and the complex image two main conclusions are obtained one is the explicit relation between the resolution and signal-noise-ratio the other is the explicit relation between the resolution and target relative phase .

    分别针对功率图像和复图像的目标分辨,得到了明确的分辨率与信噪比的关系、分辨率与 目标相对 相位的关系这两个主要结论。

  • First the target rotation phase is retrieved based on two prominent scatterers and the suitable imaging times are selected as the intervals with high phase linearity degree ( PLD ) .

    首先,基于两个特显点距离单元估计 目标转动 相位,根据不同时间段转动相位线性度(PLD)选择成像时间。

  • Echo modeling and simulation in a PD fuze target simulator for phase modulation by pseudo random coding are studied .

    针对伪码 调相脉冲多普勒引信 目标模拟器的视频回波信号进行建模与仿真。

  • From the introduction of study history done by foreign scholars about phase noise we can know the target of phase noise analysis . In general with the increasing accuracy of the model the research goal has been changed to simplify the model .

    然后介绍了国外相位噪声的研究历史,从国外的研究历史中可以知道 相位噪声的研究 目标,总的来说,随着模型的准确性不断提高,其研究的目标已经逐渐向模型的简化方向发展。

  • The terminal maneuver control signals of anti-ship missile are improved according to the demand of attacking target in the self-guidance phase .

    根据自导 攻击 目标的要求,改进了反舰导弹的末端机动控制信号。

  • In order to improve CCM tracking capability of the imaging infrared seeker in point target tracking phase five modules are included in the information processing system : decision module decoy detection module search module normal tracking module and CCM tracking module .

    为提高红外成像导弹在干扰环境中对点 目标的跟踪能力,将成像导 引头信息处理分成五个基本功能模块:决策模块、干扰检测模块、搜索模块、正常跟踪模块和抗干扰跟踪模块。