
[ˈtæpˌrut, -ˌrʊt][ˈtæpru:t]


  • Calli were induced from cotyledons hypocotyls and taproot cambium of Daucus carrot . and cell suspension lines were established .

    分别以胡萝卜子叶、下胚轴和 直根形成层为外植体诱导出愈伤组织,并建立细胞悬浮系。

  • A carrot is the taproot of a carrot plant .

    胡萝卜是其植株的 主根

  • This is characterized by 1 ) like seedlings anther plants having a strong taproot and lateral roots ;

    和实生苗一样有一 粗壮的 主根及一 侧根;

  • But the height of container seedling crown of container seedling length of taproot amount of lateral roots fresh weight and content of chlorophyll were not effective indices to reflect quality of Chinese Pine container seedling .

    苗高、冠幅、 主根长、侧根数、鲜重以及叶绿素含量对反映油松容器苗的质量不是有效指标。

  • Influences of Lanthanum and Low pH Value on the Seed Germination and Taproot Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana

    镧和低pH值对拟南芥种子萌发和 主根生长的影响

  • Meanwhile the waterlogging promoted the formation and development of cortex aerenchyma in taproot .

    同时,渍水也促进了 主根皮层通气组织的形成和发育。

  • Through analysis we can see that this general taproot of his double identity .

    通过分析,我们可以得知,这大体 植根于他的双重身份。

  • And Amaranthus retroflexus and the inhibiting rate of alkaloids was 43.1 % against caulis of Brassica campestris however alkaloids had no inhibition against taproot of Brassica campestris .

    对油菜主茎生长的抑制率为43.1%,而对 主根则没有明显抑制作用。

  • And waterlogging treatment could promote the formation of cortex aerenchyma in taproot and prolong the time of aerenchyma formation .

    渍水处理能够促进 主根皮层通气组织的形成,并延长 主根中通气组织的发育时间。

  • Phosphate fertilizer has certain promoting effect on taproot plus lateral root but reduces the growth of adventitious root resulting in the amount of roots decrease .

    磷肥的施用对 主根+ 侧根 部分 发育 有一定的促进效应,但是却减少了不定根的发育,使最终的根系总量有所减少。

  • The drought resistant soybean varieties had a relatively well-developed root system compared with the water-fertilizer favorite varieties . The former had more root weight larger root volume stronger root absorbing capacity longer length of taproot and lateral roots .

    抗旱型大豆品种根系比较发达,与喜肥水型大豆品种相比,抗旱型品种具有相对较大的根系重量、较大的根体积、较强的根系吸收活性、较 发达 主根和侧根。

  • Trees that have well developed taproot are well equipped to withstand wind storm .

    有粗大 主根的树能经得住大风暴的袭击。

  • Taproot diameter and collar diameter played major role in root growth and had an important impact on plant growth .


  • The bolting rate and disease rate of chicory sown on 5th June were 12.78 % and 2.78 % respectively but the effective taproot yield was up to the highest .

    6月5日播种的菊苣虽然抽薹率和发病率为12.78%、2.78%,但菊苣的有效 直根产量最高。

  • The taproot grows straight down to anchor the tree and reach for deep water .

    主根垂直向下生长,以固定树身,并 吸取深处的水分。

  • The root system of the soybean consists of a taproot formed by the radicle .

    大豆的根系包括由胚根形成的 主根

  • The method of anatomy is used to study the root system and fleshy root structure of 9 species of wild Cycas and 1 species of cultivated Cycas in Guangxi . The results show that : ( 1 ) Cycas belong to fibrous root system but not taproot system .

    采用解剖学的方法对分布于广西的9种野生苏铁和1种栽培苏铁植物的根系类型及肉质根的结构进行解剖研究,结果表明:(1)苏铁属植物的根系属须根系而不是 直根系

  • But a better growing of taproot and a more contents of soluble sugar was showed in treating with bacteria fertilizer than treating with chemical fertilizer .

    单独使用菌剂处理的 草坪 可溶性糖含量、 主根 优于复合肥处理;

  • The experiment results showed that the plant height taproot length root volume leaves areas and dry weight in root and shoot of different soybean cultivars were significantly different under both low and high phosphorus levels .

    结果表明,在低磷和高磷条件下,不同大豆品种的株高、 主根长、根体积、叶面积和植株干物质量差异达到了显著或极显著水平。

  • However the three ecological types were dominated by taproot type limb type and hemicryptophyte .

    但在3个尺度上,各生态类型均以 直根型、分枝型、地面芽植物最多。

  • Taproot diameter and collar diameter had a prominent performance .

    主根直径与 颈直径在根系 性状中表现最为突出。

  • Bulb-like base of the new nutrition taproot apical root then gradually after the autumn of mast storage root formation of spherical and thus the formation of new bulbs .

    新球茎的基部 直根状的营养根的根尖,则在入秋后逐渐肥大形成球状的贮藏根,从而形成新的种球。

  • About the growth form of root the most species of 65 % belong to taproot type as well as 23 % and 11 % belong to brush root type and rhizome type .

    根生长型结构以 直根型的种类最多占65%,刷状根型和根茎型分别为23%和11%。

  • The data suggested that GMP could play an important role in the regulation of ascorbate accumulation during radish fleshy taproot development . ( 3 ) Compared the AsA contents of mature leaves young leaves root flesh and skin of radish under light treatment .

    以上数据推断出,GMP可能在萝卜 肉质 AsA累积中起着重要的作用。(3)比较了在光照处理下萝卜成熟叶、幼叶、根肉以及根皮4个部位中AsA含量的变化。

  • This map was subsequently used in the QTL mapping of biomass over ground weight plant height plant breath 1 2 leaf length and width of the biggest leaf leaf number taproot diameter 1 2 and taproot weight .

    利用该图谱对植株的生物学产量、地上部重、株高、株幅12、最大叶长、最大叶宽、叶数、 直根直径12和直根重等性状进行QTL定位。

  • Compared with single nitrate nutrition EAN significantly increased cotton 's leaf area taproot length primary lateral root number dry weights ( DW ) of whole plant and petiole respectively .

    与单硝营养相比,增铵营养显著提高了棉株叶面积、 主根 长、一级侧根条数、总干重和叶柄中的干物质分配,但对株高、出叶速度影响不大。

  • There was a difference in diameter of taproot and collar which had a decisive impact on the growth of other root morphology . Especially the taproot growth had an important impact on plant growth .

    主根直径和 直径对其他根系性状具有决定性影响,特别是主根的发育对植株生长具有重要影响。

  • The results indicated that nitrogen fertilizer could wide taproot diameter root crown diameter increase root dry matter yield and move up first lateral root position significantly . These root traits were effectively correlated with shoot dry matter yield .

    试验结果显示,氮肥有效地促进了紫花 苜蓿根系中 主根及根 膨大,第一侧根发生位置上移,根系干重增加,这些根系性状是 促进地上部干重增加的有效因子。

  • The experiments were conducted at Chifeng Inner Mongolia in 2001-2003 . The results shows that contracted taproot and developed lateral root of alfalfa adapted soil moisture changes on eluviated cinnamon soil which is great depth and drains well .

    2001-2003年在内蒙古赤峰市研究了紫花苜蓿根系对水分的适应。结果表明:在土层深厚、排水良好的淋溶褐土上,紫花苜蓿 主根收缩,侧根发达,适应土壤上下层水分的变化。

  • Lateral roots on taproot were concentrated at 0-5 cm closed to collar .

    侧根多集中在根 下0~5cm 主根段。