

  • Qu é tal el d í a despu é s de su hat-trick a Serbia ?

    在面对塞尔维亚上演帽子 戏法之后感觉如何?

  • Mr Lee of TAL says his company conducted a study five years ago that concluded that moving inland would cut labour costs by 15 per cent but that the level of infrastructure would not be as good as in Guangdong .

    联业 制衣 李国权表示,自己的公司在5年前做了一项调查,结果发现,迁往内地能将劳动力成本降低15%,但内地的基础设施水平可能不如广东。

  • For a high-technology producer such as TAL Indian grown cotton may not suitable .

    对于 联业 制衣这样的高科技生产商,印度产的棉花也许并不适用。

  • On Sunday it also seized Tal Afar a town of about 200 people west of Mosul .

    上周日,这群武装分子还攻克了摩苏尔以西、拥有大约20万人口的小城 泰勒阿费尔

  • When costs started rising in China recently TAL Apparel the Hong Kong-based textile manufacturer began looking to further diversify its operations .

    随着近年来中国 各项成本的上升,总部位于香港的服装制造商 联业 制衣 TAL Apparel 开始寄望于进一步多元化其生产分布。

  • Even in a country which has seen far more than its share of suicide bombings wednesday 's attack at a military recruiting center in the northern city of Tal Afar was highly unusual .

    即使在伊拉克这个自杀爆炸事件司空见惯的国家,星期三发生在北方城市 塔尔 征兵中心的袭击仍不同寻常。

  • When TAL has a problem we hear from Harry Lee he jokes . I have been summoned many times over our long relationship .

    宫下尚武开玩笑说:当 TAL 遇到问题时, 李乃熺便会告知我们。在我们的长期合作中,我多次受到召唤。

  • Investigation and Analysis on Status of Rehabilitation Services in Comprehensive Hospitals of Capital Cities in China Mainland Differentiation strategy should be actively applied for Medical Care System Reform in comprehensive hospi - tal of region-county level

    我国大陆省会城市综合医院康复服务现状调查分析 地市级综合性医院在医改中导入差异化战略的探讨

  • Boogie is used to verify the assembly language against a specification and guarantees safe interaction with the TAL code and hardware .

    它还使用Boogie根据规范来验证汇编语言,并确保它可以与 TAL代码和硬件安全地交互。

  • Referee Lee Mason flashed a straight red to Argentine midfielder Mascherano just before half-time with Liverpool already losing for a reckless challenge on Tal Ben Haim .

    上半场快要结束前,主裁判李-梅森红牌直接把阿根廷中场马斯切拉诺罚下,后者是由于粗野的对 本哈伊姆犯规而导致利物浦崩盘。

  • One doesn 't have to play well it 's enough to play better than your opponent . - Tal .

    你不需要走得多好,走得比对手好就足够了。& 塔尔

  • Police in Tal Afar say that a suicide bomber detonated explosives hidden inside his vehicle near the local stadium where a football match was underway .

    塔拉 警方表示,一名自杀式爆炸者在当地一个足球场附近引爆了藏在汽车内的炸药。

  • TAL is a fortunate survivor .

    TAL 集团 残酷 商战的幸运儿。

  • Harry Lee TAL chairman and a leading figure in the Hong Kong garment trade says the Japanese group owes its success to the close relationship it builds with its customers .

    香港制衣业的领军人物、 TAL董事长 李乃熺 HarryLee 表示,这家日本集团的成功要归功于其建立起了与客户之间的密切关系。

  • Demonstration of automated techniques TAL and automated theorem proving to verify the safety of the complex low-level code in the operating system and run-time .

    它演示了自动化技术、 TAL和自动化定理证明,从而验证了操作系统中和运行时复杂的低级代码的安全性。

  • Demonstrates that a small amount of code verified with automated theorem proving can support an arbitrary large amount of TAL code .

    它演示了少量带有自动化定理证明功能,经过验证的代码它能够支持任意数量的 TAL代码。

  • While Verve is written in C # for convenient automatic compilation to TAL a second check is still performed to verify type safety .

    尽管为了便于自动编译成 TAL,Verve是由C编写的,但它还是执行了二次检查来验证类型安全性。

  • In this week-by-week guided journal Tal Ben-Shahar offers a full year 's worth of exercises to inspire happiness every day .

    泰勒•本- 沙哈尔通过这本日记式的著作,向我们提供了用一整年时间来激发幸福的有价值的练习方法。

  • I know I can walk tal because I 'm innocent .

    我知道我能 无所畏惧,因为我 内心坦然。

  • They will reign with Jesus over the world 's mor - tal people in his kingdom .

    他们将与耶稣一起在他的国里统治天下 腐朽的百姓。

  • The other issue facing any foreign manufacturer such as TAL that is looking to enter India is the cultural challenge of managing domestic workers .

    联业 制衣等寻求进入印度的外国制造商还面临另一个问题,那就是管理印度工人时的文化挑战。

  • Actor Alicia Silverstone and Chef Tal Ronnen on the New York Times bestseller list .

    演员艾丽西亚西尔沃斯通和厨师 塔尔罗内恩上了纽约时报畅销书排行榜。

  • It happened in the northern Iraqi town of Tal Afar near the city of Mosul .

    爆炸发生在摩苏尔附近的北部城镇 塔拉

  • Seekers of the Tomb of Tal Rasha will find it through the Portal .


  • This can save a company such as tal one week a crucial amount of time in an industry in which shorter lead times can make or break a business .

    这能为 联业 制衣这样的公司节省一周时间在一个较短交货周期可以决定一桩生意成败的行业里,这一周的时间 可谓至关重要。