


  • US airport crowds however are often dotted with fatigues and it is common to hear the airport tannoy declare that members of the military and their families can get access to special lounges while travelling .

    美国机场则不然:这里经常能 看到星星点点的 穿着 制服 军人,也常常听到机场 广播 播报,军人及其家属出行可以使用专门的候机室。

  • He called me over the Tannoy .

    天朗 扩音器喊我。

  • Half time have music over the tannoy .

    半场休息 系统播放音乐。

  • We couldn 't hear the announcement that was made on the tannoy system .

    我们听不见 系统所作的通告。

  • You almost jump out of your skin ① when the familiar firm-but-polite voice of the tannoy lady invades the eerie silence of the library .

    扩音器里传出熟悉、坚定、但很礼貌的女士声音, 打破了图书馆的寂静,你几乎吓了一跳。

  • Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy

    车站工作人员 通过 广播告知火车 到站了。