tank bottoms


  • One of the key problems in cathodic protection of tank bottoms is the judgment of protection effectiveness on whole tank bottoms especially the protection effectiveness of bottom 's center .

    地面金属 储罐 底板阴极保护技术中关键问题之一是判断罐底,特别是 底中心的保护效果。

  • What to wear : A white crop tank white underwear ( or bikini bottoms ) combat boots and red lipstick .

    穿什么:剪了半截 的白色 背心,白色内裤(或者比基尼 ),一双特种兵靴和红唇。

  • The proper selection of coatings and cathodic protection ( CP ) system is effective in protecting tank bottoms .

    合适的涂料选择和阴极保护系统的应用是控制 底板 腐蚀的行之有效的方法。

  • Research on Acoustic Emission Detection for Vertical Tank Bottoms under Different Corrosion Conditions

    立式 储罐 腐蚀状态声发射检测的实验研究

  • Economic recovery of high-quality beer from surplus yeast and tank bottoms

    剩余酵母及 回收啤酒 工艺

  • Through observation and analysis of the bottom status for 15 sets of 1000m ~ 3 oil tanks in some oil depot the reasons for relatively strong locality of corrosion on tank bottoms have been dissected and some corresponding corrosion prevention measures have been put forward .

    通过对某油库15个1000m3的油罐罐底腐蚀情况的观察和分析,剖析了 腐蚀区域性较强的原因,并提出相应的防护措施。

  • Treatment of oily sludge from tank bottoms

    油罐 含油污泥处理技术

  • He potential distribution of tank bottoms is an important index to appraise effectiveness of cathodic protection ( CP ) .

    阴极保护时,金属储罐外侧 保护电位分布是衡量 保护效果的重要指标。

  • According to the special composition of the oily sludge from tank bottoms a set of treatment device was assembled by domestic equipments .

    根据 油罐 含油污泥的特殊组成,用国产设备,组配成套油罐底污泥处理设施;

  • Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms

    地上 储罐 阴极保护

  • After analysing the defectS Of the structure of vertical cylindrical metallic tank in operation this article puts forward a new steel structural vertical oil tank which has double bob bottoms and double hermetic system .

    文章分析了现行立式园柱形金属油罐结构上的缺陷,提出了一种由双重罐 及附属结构构成二次密闭系统,具有新型结构的立式钢 油罐