tannic acid

[ˈtænɪk ˈæsɪd][ˈtænik ˈæsid]


  • The alcohol reacts on the tannic acid which will reduce the nutritive value and change the colors fragrance and flavor of the fruits .

    因酒精和 水果 起作用,会使水果的营养价值降低。且会使色、香、味改变。

  • The study aimed at the effect of tannic acid on normal coagulation preoxidation by potassium permanganate and prechlorination enhanced coagulation ( EC ) .

    研究了水中 单宁酸在聚合氯化铝做混凝剂时对常规混凝、高锰酸钾预氧化强化混凝以及预氯化强化混凝的影响。

  • Study on the Optimum Extraction of Tannic Acid in Alfalfa

    新疆紫花苜蓿 提取工艺优化探讨

  • Tannin acyl hydrolase ( tannase ) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes the ester bonds of tannic acid to produce gallic acid and some other compounds .

    单宁酶( Tannase)是一种水解酶,能够水解没食子酸单宁中的酯键和缩酚 键,生成没食子酸和其它化合物。

  • Tannic acid in grape juice and in grape wine ( also analyzed by protein precipitate analysis method and traditional sulfur dioxide bleaching analysis method ) had almost the same rules as polymeric pigments did .

    蛋白质沉淀和二氧化硫漂白分析研究得出,葡萄汁和葡萄酒中的 单宁酸和聚合色素有相同的结论。

  • Effect of Tannic Acid on Food Selection Food Intake and Protein Digestion Rate in Mandarin Vole and Mice


  • Treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather .

    丹宁 处理或贮藏毛皮以便使它们转化成皮革。

  • Objective To study the influence of aldehydes and tannic acid on soft capsules approach how to prevent soft capsules from delayed disintegration .

    目的研究醛类及 鞣酸对软胶囊崩解 性能的影响,探讨改善软胶囊崩解迟缓的措施。

  • Dispersing action of tannic acid for determining granularity distribution characteristics of graphite powder with laser method

    用激光法测定石墨微粉粒度分布特性时 单宁酸的分散作用

  • Modification of the Proteins Composite Films with Tannic Acid Application of Vinyl Polymer Tanning Agent Modified with Tannin

    鞣酸改性制备 天然蛋白质复合膜 条件 优化 丹宁 改性乙烯基类聚合物鞣剂的应用研究

  • Optimization of cross-linking conditions for gelatin with vegetative tannic acid and analysis for its properties

    植物 单宁酸交联明胶的条件优化及性质分析

  • Tannic acid Application of Vinyl Polymer Tanning Agent Modified with Tannin

    丹宁 改性乙烯基类聚合物鞣剂的应用研究

  • Methods : Using extracts and alkaloids and tannic acid analysis .

    方法:采用浸出物法、 性生物碱 测定 鞣质 测定 进行分析。

  • Optimization of Parameter for Extracting Tannic Acid from Cerasus humilis Fruit Coat with Solvents

    溶剂法提取欧李果皮中 的工艺参数优化

  • It is the tannic acid contained in oak that ages the brandy .

    正是栎木里含的 丹宁 使白兰地 了。

  • To study the optimal process of the extraction of tannic acid from Chinese gallnut .

    从五倍子中提取 单宁酸,通过正交实验优化筛选出最佳工艺。

  • The tannic acid containing organic substances such as a base convergence pectin content can absorb toxins .

    其中含有的 鞣酸 有机碱等物质具有收敛作用,所含果胶可吸收毒素。

  • Result : The total effect of the new tannic acid ointment was 100 % .

    结果:新 鞣酸软膏对 尿布皮炎 患儿有效率为100%。

  • Objective To evaluate the effects of tannic acid ( TA ) treatment on the physicochemical properties of glutaraldehyde ( Glut ) - fixed bovine jugular vein ( BJV ) .

    目的评估 丹宁 改性处理对戊二醛固定牛颈静脉管道理化性质的影响。

  • Influence of tannic acid modified nano silica on the performance of UV-curable coatings


  • The surface composition and structure of the Fe-Ni-B amorphous nanometer particles processed by means of potassium dichromate and tannic acid have been investigated using the techniques of XPS and TEM etc.

    对Fe-Ni-B非晶纳米粒子表面施加了 单宁酸和重铬酸钾处理后,采用X射线光电子能谱和透射电子显微镜等技术对处理后粒子的表面组成和结构进行了分析。

  • This study tested the hypothesis that tannic acid can cause an imbalance of sodium of mammalian herbivores .

    验证了 单宁酸能引起植食性哺乳动物钠平衡的假设。

  • Effects of gossypol and tannic acid on the growth and digestion physiology of cotton bollworm larvae

    棉酚和 单宁酸对棉铃虫幼虫生长和消化生理的影响

  • Study on adsorption and desorption behavior of the tannic acid by macroporous resin

    大孔树脂对 单宁酸的吸附与解吸行为研究

  • Zinc sulfate solution and tannic acid solution have good dissolution rate .

    硫酸锌溶液与 鞣酸溶液 牙石有很好的溶解作用。

  • Current Status and Prospect on Extraction and Purification Technologies for Tannic Acid


  • Tannic acid The rosin and tannin that can be extracted from it are sought by the chemical industry .

    鞣酸丹宁 从中提取的松香和鞣酸化学工业上是很需要的。

  • Study on Tannase Produced by Aspergillus Niger and Propyl Gallate Biosynthesised by Immobilized Aspergillus Niger Cells in Organic Phase ; The ellagic acid has been prepared by oxidation of the leaching solution of Chinese gallnut containing tannic acid .

    黑曲霉产单宁酶的研究和有机相中固定化黑曲霉细胞生物合成没食子酸丙酯的初探以五倍子为原料浸取 单宁酸,由 单宁酸氧化制备鞣花酸。

  • Surface composition and structure of amorphous superfine Fe-Ni-B powders processed by potassium dichromate and tannic acid have been investigated by XPS and TEM etc.

    本文对FeNiB超细非晶粉表面加以 单宁酸和重铬酸钾处理,并采用了XPS和TEM等对处理后超细粉的表面组成和结构进行了分析。

  • Total yield of pharmaceutical tannic acid and gallic acid was ca. 91 % .

    产物总得率(包括药用 单宁酸和没食子酸)约为91%。