tangential component

[tænˈdʒɛnʃəl kəmˈponənt][tænˈdʒenʃəl kəmˈpəunənt]


  • When a ferromagnetism items is under the application of stress the phenomenon that the tangential component of magnetic leakage field has maximum value and that the normal component of magnetic leakage field changes polarity and acquires zero value at the stress concentration zone will take place .

    铁磁性工件在受到应力作用时,在应力集中处会有漏磁场的 分量出现最大值、同时法向分量改变符号且过零值点的现象。

  • According to the calculation of data on the Type-I cometary tails the tangential component of coronal expansion is verified ;

    利用大量I型彗尾资料的计算,证实了日冕膨胀中 方位 分量的存在;

  • When the cam is ground the tangential component of the circular velocity is variable and the peak value occurs in the lift curves . This is an important cause of profile error .

    凸轮磨削时,圆周速度 切线 分量是变化的,在升程曲线 部分出现峰值,这是导致该部分出现轮廓误差的重要原因。

  • The disturbance affects the tangential component of the velocity mostly .

    速度 分量影响最大,其速度大小及分布变化较大;

  • The magnitude of tangential component and radial component of turbulence intensity are higher than that of axial component of turbulence intensity in the wake region .

    在叶片的尾迹区内,流动的紊流强度大大高于周围的非尾迹区,其中紊流强度径向、 分量较大,轴向分量最小,尾迹区内的紊流具有高度不均匀性。

  • The results show that magnitude of tangential velocity component of absolute velocity is larger one order than that of radial component .

    试验表明, 蜗壳 内部液体绝对速度的 圆周 速度比径向 速度大一个数量级;

  • Then the distribution of tangential radial and axial component of velocity is given in the paper .

    研究还得到了不同工况下, 流场 内部 速度、 径向速度、轴向速度的不同分布规律。

  • The magnetic field which is produced by free surface current on the interface is added to original magnetic field in opposite direction which causes tangential component discontinuation of magnetic field strength .

    界面上的自由面电流所产生的磁场,以相反的方向叠加在原磁场之上,导致了磁场强度的 分量不连续。