This was my first bow kill and first woman to take anele with a bow .
这是我的第一箭射,也是第一个女子用 弓箭 获取大象。
Thank you then take a bow .
然后我们一起 谢幕。
Randy brings Jai onto the stage and they take a bow ;
兰迪带洁走上讲台一起 鞠躬致意;
Don 't I wave or take a bow or something ?
需要挥手或 行礼吗?
Do all this and then take a bow !
把这些全都 去掉, 只 留下 有用 的 东西,说完 就 立即 鞠躬 下台!
You bowed to me and ran to the take the exams as if relieved of a heavy load with the bow on your head dancing in the wind .
你的眼神亮了起来,冲我鞠了 一躬, 如释负重地跑进了考场,头上的 蝴蝶 结也在风中翩翩起舞。
On this Father 's Day I believe not only biological father should take a bow but also step fathers .
这个父亲节,我认为不仅 应该对生父 表示 感谢,而且应该感谢继父。
美[tek e bo]英[teik ə bəu]