take a horn

[tek e hɔrn][teik ə hɔ:n]


  • Firstly we take a horn antenna as an example and obtain the one-dimensional high range resolution profile ( HRRP ) of the antenna scattering field by IFFT .

    首先 喇叭天线为例,对其结构项散射场进行IFFT变换得到一维距离像。

  • I see . Lord Jonos shrugged into a brown woolen tunic with the red stallion of Bracken embroidered on the front . Will my lord take a horn of ale ?

    “我明白了。”裘诺斯伯爵套上一件棕色羊毛外套,正面绣着布雷肯家族的红色种马 家徽。“我的大人 需要喝上 杯麦芽酒吗?”

  • He did sometimes take a horn when he thought it would do him good .

    有时他认为 喝酒对他有好处,他就