talk away

[tɔk əˈwe][tɔ:k əˈwei]


  • I want to talk to Washington right away .

    我得 立即与华盛顿 通话

  • Most eggheads want to talk it away .

    大多数的书呆子想 说话敷衍 过去

  • When you talk with someone never look away from their face .

    和某人 说话的时候,眼睛永远都不要 离开他们的脸。

  • Hi I need to talk with the property manager right away !

    你好,我需要 马上和物业经理 通话

  • I want to talk to my lawyer right away .

    我要 马上跟我的律师 谈话

  • You 've likely seen even little kids who are still learning to talk attempting to chatter away with pets .

    你可能已经发现甚至很小的正在学 的宝宝都会尝试对着宠物 喋喋不休

  • Children don 't talk to her stay away from her .

    孩子们,不要 说话躲开她。

  • We should not talk away our valuable time .

    我们不应该把宝贵的时间 消磨闲谈之中。

  • Against that managers need a space to talk to employees in private and for employees to talk to them away from the straining ears of their colleagues .

    遗憾的是,管理人员需要一个办公空间与员工私下 交谈以免谈话内容传到同事们竖起来的耳朵里。

  • A : Then I 'll have to talk to him right away .

    那么我得 马上 谈谈

  • Nemanja Vidic has quelled talk of a move away from United insisting that he has eyes only for a trophy-laden future at Old Trafford .

    内曼尼亚。维迪奇制止了 离开曼联的闲话,他说自己唯一关心的就是在曼联拿到更多冠军。

  • I must talk to your boss right away .

    我必须 马上 你老板 讲话

  • You can talk to gappers who have been away for various advices .

    此外,你还可以从“ 前辈”那里得到各种实用的建议。

  • I don 't want to talk away my grief .

    我不想就这样通过 谈话 这一切忘掉。

  • Listen I gotta talk to you right away it 's important .

    听着,我得 马上 ,事关重大。

  • So it was all just talk about our going away .

    因此我们的 出走只是 说说 而已

  • Connie was in love with him but she managed to sit with her embroidery and let the men talk and not give herself away .

    康妮是爱上他了。但是她却 法自抑着真情,坐在那儿刺着绣,让他们 谈话

  • Sometimes the question is expressed in the form of an incomplete statement and the answers are phrases which could complete the statement . Don 't talk on and on jabber away w_1655 when you can say it in a few words .

    有时考题是不完整的句子,而答案是能使这个句子完整的短语。两句话能说完的事就别犯 碎嘴子了。

  • To answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names dining talk do not sit across the table and talk to people far away it might affect other people 's emotions .

    接电话要首先告诉对方自己的姓名就餐谈话时,不隔着餐桌与坐得较 的人 交谈,怕影响别人的情绪。

  • The easiest way to tell is when you text her she doesn 't text back right away or on facebook she doesn 't talk back right away .

    告诉你的最简单方法就是当你给她发短信时她并不马上回短信,或者在打开脸谱时她并不 马上回应。

  • Once she started to talk about herself she would rattle away for a long time .

    只要 讲到她自己,她就 喋喋不休 个没完。

  • I.A woman is afraid to talk because the last time she wanted to talk he pulled away .

    女人害怕交谈,因为上次她想 谈话时,他抽

  • With it you can talk to people far away .

    有了它你可以 倾诉的人

  • B : This is Richard . I need to talk to you right away .

    B:我是理查德,我要 马上 谈谈回来后立刻给 电话

  • Don 't talk on and on ( or jabber away ) when you can say it in a few words .

    两句话能说完的事就别犯 碎嘴子了。

  • I wish she wouldn 't talk and give the show away .

    我希望她不会 多嘴走漏 消息

  • They turned the talk away from baseball .

    他们的 话题 离开 棒球。

  • They turned the talk away from that .

    他们 撇开了那个 话题