talk nonsense

[tɔk ˈnɑnˌsɛns][tɔ:k ˈnɔnsəns]


  • Don 't talk nonsense .


  • I am a little like the adoption of language to express his feelings of people but also realize that they usually do not talk nonsense .

    我是个不怎么喜欢通过语言来表达自己内心感受的人,也意识到自己平时没 少说 废话

  • Therefore places hopes in two times sells slows down the size non-pressure is no different with the moron to talk nonsense .

    因此,寄希望于二次发售来减缓大小非的压力,无异于 痴人说梦

  • Do not tell me of a man 's is able to talk sense ; everyone can talk sense-can he talk nonsense ?

    别讲会说要道理的话的人的事情了;谁也会说有道理的话&他会 废话吗?

  • The teachers lack the sense of speaking perfect spoken language of teaching in the process of teaching and always talk nonsense .

    中学语文教师在教学过程中教学口语精品意识不够, 废话 较多

  • Fang could n 't help from blurting out do n 't talk nonsense !

    方鸿渐忍不住道:“别 胡说!”

  • ' Don 't talk nonsense 'said Alice more boldly : 'you know you 're growing too . '

    “别说 废话了,你自己也在长呀!”爱丽丝大胆地说。

  • Why do you talk nonsense all the time ?

    你怎么 胡言乱语啊?

  • It is characteristic of him to talk nonsense .


  • Don 't talk nonsense and just get me some paper .


  • How is it possible that we couldn 't make a living ? Don 't talk nonsense !

    我们 各人有一门 手艺。怎么会生活不了呢?别 胡说了!

  • Talk no nonsense to her ! Go find the professor for me !

    跟她 废话!赶快把教授给我找出来!

  • The King 's argument was that anything that had a head could be beheaded and that you weren 't to talk nonsense .

    王后解决各种困难的办法只有一种:“砍掉它的头!”她看也不看 一下这样

  • Don 't talk such nonsense how can a good-for-nothing like you make a million ?

    别说 疯话了,就凭你 本事,怎么能赚到一百万呢?

  • Don 't talk nonsense she said sharply .

    “别 胡扯”,她严厉地说。

  • Han Jia don 't talk nonsense if you don 't understand .

    韩佳,你不懂就别 乱说了。

  • He had nothing to do except talk nonsense .

    除了 胡说八道,他没别的事干。

  • Ann : I didn 't talk nonsense I read a piece of news yesterday it said that someone has been myopia because of tying the necktie .

    我可没 胡说,我昨天看了篇新闻,有个人就是因为系领带系出近视眼。

  • Sir you 've been talking nonsense to make me talk nonsense . It 's hardly fair . '

    先生,你在胡说,也害得我 胡说。这不公平。

  • Girl bate : Talk nonsense again I with respect to crumb your egg !

    少女大怒: 胡扯,我就捏碎你的蛋!

  • Only those who are politically muddle-headed or have ulterior motives talk nonsense about our having made a mistake and abandoned internationalism .

    只有政治上糊涂的人,或者别有用心的人,才会 瞎说我们做得不对,瞎说我们抛弃了国际主义。

  • Two is a real business not talk nonsense a top secret everyone thinks is business chance when it is no longer business opportunities .

    二是真正的商机,不能 乱说,天机不可泄漏,人人都认为是商机的时候它就不再是商机了。

  • How dare you talk such nonsense ?

    你怎么敢如此 胡说

  • It means to fabricate stories or talk nonsense .


  • I don 't talk nonsense : I had scored six goals in the qualifying games but I 've been left at home .

    我不是在 意义 叫嚣 什么:我在预选赛里打入了六个进球,但是我被扔在了家里。

  • Eat more rice and good health but do not talk nonsense higher consciousness .

    多吃大米身体好, 少说 废话觉悟高。

  • How do you know ? Don 't talk nonsense !

    你怎么知道的,别 瞎说

  • Certainly can not prevent others talk nonsense but his heart but clearly these can easily lead a person to invent the crime of insult or defamation .

    他人的 乱说肯定避免不了,但自己心里还要清楚,这些乱说极易导致一个人走向侮辱罪或者诽谤罪。

  • Some wine coated doors of kitchen god is called drunk commander drunk Kitchen God does not talk nonsense .

    有的用酒糟涂抹灶门,这叫“醉司令”,醉得灶神不能 说话

  • He was not in his best spirits but seemed trying to improve them ; and at last made himself talk nonsense very agreeably .

    他的心情还不是最好,不过似乎在竭力使之好转,最后终于能 谈笑风生 闲话了。