talk with

[tɔk wɪð][tɔ:k wið]


  • I heard him talk with Lucy .

    我听见他 露西 讲话

  • I find it very interesting to talk with him .

    我觉得 谈话很有意思。

  • We found him very approachable and easy to talk with .

    我们认为他非常和蔼可亲,容易 交谈

  • I shall be glad to talk with you .

    我将很高兴 谈话

  • You can talk with me on the phone .

    你可以在电话里 交谈

  • I must talk with him .


  • I 'll need to talk with you but there 's no hurry

    我得 谈谈,但不着急。

  • He looks like he 's got an axe to grind . Better have a talk with him .

    他看来是牢骚满腹,你最好找他 谈谈

  • You 'd better have a talk with each of them separately .

    你还是分别 他们 谈谈的好。

  • I understand you had a little talk with emily .

    我听说你 埃米莉小 了一会儿。

  • When the ceremony was over he was most impatient to have a private talk with us .

    仪式一完,他就急不可待地 我们单独进行了 会谈

  • I had a long talk with her .


  • I 've been wanting to have a little talk with you .


  • I feel a need to talk with you .

    我感觉有必要 谈谈

  • He often goes into the masses and has a heart-to-heart talk with the workers .

    他经常深入群众,和工人们 促膝谈心

  • Who do you talk with so long on the phone ?


  • I went to his talk with great interest but to my disappointment nothing very new came forth .

    我抱 极大的兴趣去听他的 讲话,但使我失望的是 讲话中没有什么新东西。

  • I didn 't talk with him about it .

    我没 过这

  • Do you like to talk with foreigner .

    你喜欢 外国人 交谈

  • I feel like having a talk with a foreigner .

    我想 老外 对话

  • It was really a gas to find someone I could talk with .

    找到一个能 得来的人真是一件让人高兴的

  • Before the wedding I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother .

    婚礼前,我 母亲好好 谈心

  • With so many people around it wasn 't convenient to have a long talk with him .

    在场的人很多,不便 长谈

  • It 's bad manners to talk with one 's mouth full .


  • I had a talk with the doctor .

    这位医生进行了一次 谈话

  • We might as well have another talk with him .

    不妨 一次。

  • He stopped to talk with me .

    他停下来 讲话

  • I want to have a talk with him alone .

    我要 他单独

  • With so much company around a long talk with him was inappropriate .

    在场的人很多,不便 长谈