talk show

[tɔk ʃo][tɔ:k ʃəu]


  • He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show .

    他打开收音机,拨动旋钮,直至调到一个 节目

  • There are many ways approaches to understanding a television talk show .

    有很多方法途径了解一个电视 谈话 节目

  • Conan O'Brien filmed a visit to Intel this year for his late-night talk show .

    今年,科南•奥布赖恩(ConanO'Brien)为其深夜脱 节目制作了一个参观英特尔的 节目

  • With that woman lying on every talk show .

    那个女人在每个 上撒谎。

  • Some kids did sports others watched an interesting talk show .

    一些孩子做了运动,其他的孩子看了一个有趣的 对话 节目

  • Yes I would love to do his talk show .


  • Obama launched a two-week book tour and appeared it seemed on every talk show .

    奥巴马发动了一个为期两周的售书旅行,看起来似乎出现在每一个 节目中。

  • JIN Ming-xiu 's Experience on Psoriatic Arthritis On prime time a new talk show will be aired tomorrow .

    金明秀教授治疗银屑病关节炎经验探讨明天黄金时间将有一档新的脱口 节目

  • They really want you to stay and do that talk show .


  • And the moment I sat down doing that talk show it felt like breathing .

    就在那一刻,我感觉到我又 可以呼吸了。

  • Look where do you think you are on a talk show ?

    喂,你觉得你是在哪儿啊,在上 谈话 节目吗?

  • On prime time a new talk show will be aired tomorrow .

    明天黄金时间将有一档新的 节目

  • Many celebrities have come to this studio to give a talk show .

    许多名人来过这个演播室作 节目

  • He was invited to be guest of a TV talk show program .

    他做为嘉宾应邀参加了一个电视 谈话 节目

  • I was debating the other day on a talk show and the guy was challenging me and go What 's a pastor doing on protecting the environment ?

    我曾经在一个 节目上辩论,有个人挑战我说,一个牧师讲保护环境干什么?

  • We went to a TV talk show last week .

    我们上个星期参加了一个电视 谈话 节目

  • A good talk show host will interview a writer without reading his books .

    的是一个好的 问答 节目主持人在采访一位作家的时候,可能并没有读过他的作品,然而他却会去读一些评论文章。

  • Talk Show is the art of blurting out !

    脱口 就是脱口而出的艺术!

  • Walk of life as a host on a talk show I meet people from all walks of life .

    作为 现场 访谈的主持人,我接触到各行各业的人士。

  • You were gonna be on a talk show ?


  • On a television talk show two women look at one another with hostile eyes .

    在一次电话 访谈中,2个妇女互相敌对的看着对方。

  • You used to go on a French talk show ?

    你上过法国的 节目

  • Have you seen the Talk Show on Channel VI last night ?

    你看了昨天晚上四频道的 了吗?

  • It 's a great honor to be on his talk show .

    能上他的 十分荣幸。

  • I 'm going to do a talk show about global warming .

    我将要做一个有关全球暖化的 谈话 节目

  • She called the talk show to voice her opinion .

    她给那个 打了电话表达自己的观点。

  • She used to present the talk show on TV .

    她曾经在电视上主持 谈话节目

  • The president reacted to the comments on a television talk show .

    奥巴马总统在一次电视 谈话 节目中回应了这些言论。

  • He now wants to be a talk show host .

    他现在想当 电视 访谈 节目主持人。